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Author Topic: Bolter rifle specs  (Read 21777 times)

Offline Bandobras

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Bolter rifle specs
« on: June 24, 2006, 01:38:05 am »
I have looked closer at weapons_human.ufo and it seems only Rocket Launcher has different skill than in the Wiki. There is also one strange thing; the pistol single shot has higher vertical than horizontal spread (am I right?)

      spread   "2.8 4"

How is it possible that one shot suffers a recoil penalty?

Here is a proposal of the Bolter Rifle stats. Frankly I have no clue what some of the fields mean, but I tried my best. I assumed the ammo is twice as heavy as the assault rifle ammo and that supersonic speed results in again twice as much damage. I also assumed that the bolter rifle has recoil but much smaller than the assault rifle --- what physics has to say about that? I tried "burning" hitbody, since the projective is so fast it must burn its target, but the burning effect turned out to be too long. Overall I tried to adhere to the Wiki descriptions. Please criticize!

Code: [Select]

// =======================
// =======================
item bolterrifle
        name            "_Bolter Rifle"
        model           weapons/bolterrifle/bolterrifle
        weapon          true
        type            biggun
        category        3
        twohanded       true
        shape           "0 0 4 2"
        center          "8 0 0"
        scale           1.0
        ammo            15
        reload          13
        price           2800
        buytype         0

item bolterrifle_ammo
        name            "_Bolter Rifle Clip"
        model           weapons/bolterrifle/bolterrifle_clip
        type            ammo
        category        0
        shape           "0 0 1 1"
        center          "0 0 0"
        scale           1.0
        price           120
        buytype         0

                name    "_Single Shot"
                skill   heavy
                projtl  bullet
                impact  bulletImpact
                hitbody blood
                firesnd weapons/laser.wav
                speed   0
                spread  "3 3"
                crouch  0.8
                range   800
                shots   1
                ammo    1
                time    14
                damage  "80 20"
                dmgtype normal

                name    "_Burst"
                skill   heavy
                projtl  bullet
                impact  bulletImpact
                hitbody blood
                firesnd weapons/laser.wav
                speed   0
                spread  "4 5"
                crouch  0.6
                range   800
                shots   3
                ammo    3
                rof     2
                time    22
                damage  "80 20"
                dmgtype normal

Offline Bandobras

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Bolter rifle specs
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2006, 05:40:49 pm »
Yay. My Bolter Rifle is now in game! What joy! :D

So testing and criticizing should now be even easier. I guess there will be a lot of weapon balancing and prettyfying in the future, anyway.

About the Pistol and Rocket Launcher I will write more in the general     weapons vs. skills topic.

Offline Bandobras

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Bolter rifle specs
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2006, 08:01:51 pm »
After reading
I have problems with most of the Wiki description of Bolter Rifle. It is well-written, but probably very unrealistic. I guess the description was written by Centron (or is it PsyW?) --- could you comment?

Here I go:
The projectile is larger than the standard projectile used in the AR-80 assault rifle, and at supersonic speeds

That would mean tremendous recoil. Perhaps make the projectile smaller than the assault rifle ammo?

it is capable of doing significant damage to any soft target unfortunate enough to get in the way

From what I understand, damage is huge against tanks and body amour (BTW, is there a way to specify that in UFO AI? What is the meaning of the second number in the damage field?) but small agains soft tissue (especially if the projective is light).

The EM Rifle has no moving parts, and is therefore silent apart from the sound of the bullet as it breaks the sound barrier

Normal assault rifles (and most weapons, if fact) fire at supersonic speeds. So is the sound of breaking the sound barrier audible at all? Do we hear it with normal rifles?

As the ammunition is larger, capacity is reduced.

Not necessarily, since there is no need for the explosive part of ammunition, which takes most of the space.

but still enables the operator to fire multiple shots.

I don't believe in multiple shots with such a huge recoil force.

Good for stealth situations that require a medium to long range weapon

Actually, railguns seem to have really long ranges, much larger even than sniper rifles. Of course fire is then effective only for single shots.

If I'm right, what does this imply for this UFO AI weapon? How do we describe it both in text and in stats?


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Bolter rifle specs
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2006, 09:36:58 pm »

NOTE: What I present here is VERY simplified (yet STILL very long!) Ballistics is a BIG topic and many details have been left out.


The projectile is larger than the standard projectile used in the AR-80 assault rifle, and at supersonic speeds


That would mean tremendous recoil. Perhaps make the projectile smaller than the assault rifle ammo?

Railguns do not produce any recoil, this is what made them so attractive for the Starwars programme.

With a black-powder weapon, you have an explosion, which moves in all directions. Because the combined mass of the weapon and the user is greater than the mass of the bullet, the bullet is pushed out of the end of the weapon. If the mass of the bullet were the same as the mass of the bullet, the weapon would move just as far & as fast as the bullet. (Newton's 3rd Law)

The reason humans lose accuracy when affected by recoil, is actually due to muscle spasm; when the force of the explosion pushes the rifle back, the energy is transfered into the arm (via the wrist). This causes involutary contraction of the muscles in the arm, which move in their natural directions (i.e., upwards). This effect can be exaserbated by the design of the weapon (pistols and subs move the bolt back, which affects the centre of balance; lookup the design of Uzi 9mm for more info...)

With the railgun, the energy is generated by a magnetic field, with the 'action' force action along the length of the weapon, with the 'reaction' forces being directed outwards, rather than backwards (thus maintaining Newtons 3rd Law). Because the forces go out to the side, with equal magnitude, the weapon stays still. The only problem (as pointed out on Wikipedia) is that the barrel of the weapon could be pushed appart (but that doesn't happen because it's properly designed...).

One way of thinking about it, is that the slug is "pulled" out of the front, rather than pushed.

Also, railguns are traditionally touted as hypersonic (mach 7.5+). The fastest rifle bullets travel at about mach 3. You gain effectively twice the range and power, or better. In theory, one could construct a 'small' railgun that was just as fast as a normal rifle. The only advantage this would offer, is that there would be no recoil, which would make it absolutely devastating for burst fire (a burst is just as good as an aimed shot).



it is capable of doing significant damage to any soft target unfortunate enough to get in the way

From what I understand, damage is huge against tanks and body amour (BTW, is there a way to specify that in UFO AI? What is the meaning of the second number in the damage field?) but small agains soft tissue (especially if the projective is light).

Damage is all to do with energy transfer. If you have a railgun that fires a slug the same size & shape and speed as a normal rifle, it will do about the same damage. (The traditional lack of rifling on a railgun would alter the characteristics slightly).

The reason lead is used, is because it is very dense (amongst other reasons). This means, that the mass for the size of the shot is maximized. As energy transfer is effected by the mass of the two bodies involved, having a heavier slug is better. That said, lead is relatively soft and tends to deform (squish) when it hits something hard. Depleted uranium is EXTREMELY dense and harder than lead, which is why it is so popular for armour piercing ammunition. Steel and tungsten are also used for armour penetration, as they are very hard and tend to keep their shape better.

The key to considering 'damage' is to understand how the energy affects the target. Because 5.56mm rounds are so small, they affect a very small surface area, this results in very little energy being transfered to the target, which is why they often shoot straight through people, without knocking them over. The bigger 7.62mm slug hits more flesh, which means more energy transfer.

For example if a 5.56mm bullet and a 7.62mm bullet have the same energy (mass x velocity), then the 7.62mm would do more damage to soft tissue. However, if one were trying to shoot through something (e.g. armour), 5.56mm would be a better choice, because the smaller size means less area for the armour to catch, which means less energy will be transfered to the armour.

Of course, in reality, 7.62mm slugs have more energy, which makes them better at penetrating armour and cause EVEN MORE soft tissue damage.

Your point about the ammunition being caseless is correct; One could carry just as many slugs that were the same size as a 5.56mm cartridge, as would could 5.56mm cartridges. If one just wanted slugs that were ths same size as a 5.56mm bullet, then one could carry many many more.

As for noise, well, railguns do not have an explosion that sets off the projectile, making them much quieter. The supersonic round would make noise... after it passed / hit the target. As to whether this would qualify for 'suppressed' equivalent opperation, I'm not sure. On the otherhand, a hypersonic railgun will cause contrails a-la Quake 2 and "Eraser" (these are dramatisations of a genuine phenomenon), including these would remove the stealthiness.

In summary, the best way to describe the railgun, is to design weapon stats that make a fun game. Then, based on the following, characterise the weapon.

1. If it is powerful against flesh, it has a big or flat slug or it fires lots of small slugs in pre-programmed bursts (that in game terms are just one shot) or it fires a "flechette"/shotgun style round.
2. If it is good at penetrating armour, it has a large(r) dense, shaped slug or fires an 'ordinary' shaped slug very, very fast (hypersonic) see also: Sabot.
3. If it has lots of ammo, it has smaller slugs.
4. If it has normal amounts of ammo, the ammo is very light compared to a rifle (1/3 to 1/2 the normal weight).

My instinct is for a hypersonic small calibre rifle (5mm ish) that fires pre-set bursts of shaped AP slugs as an standard weapon, with a heavy (12mm/.50cal) single-shot as a man-portable anti-tank weapon.

Offline Bandobras

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Bolter rifle specs
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2006, 10:54:07 pm »
Great! Thanks for much real life and game play info.

Still, some things are not clear for me. I think it is important that we get to the physical reality here, so that we can start fantasizing about he advanced weapon on a sound basis.

Railguns do not produce any recoil, this is what made them so attractive for the Starwars programme.

Why do the Wikipedia people insist that the recoil for a reilgun is even more of a problem than the recoil of a conventional weapon with the same shot energy?

One way of thinking about it, is that the slug is "pulled" out of the front, rather than pushed.

I'm afraid that whatever gnomes pull it , they have to keep their feet firmly on the gun while pulling, so by Newtons 3rd Law they will push the gun towards the soldier.

The supersonic round would make noise... after it passed / hit the target.

So do we hear such noice with normal assault rifles? How does it sound? Is it loud?

As to whether this would qualify for 'suppressed' equivalent opperation, I'm not sure.

I don't understand...

On the otherhand, a hypersonic railgun will cause contrails a-la Quake 2 and "Eraser" (these are dramatisations of a genuine phenomenon), including these would remove the stealthiness.

Cool! I want one! This would be awsome! :shock:


1. If it is powerful against flesh [...]
2. If it is good at penetrating armour, it has a large(r) dense, shaped slug or fires an 'ordinary' shaped slug very, very fast (hypersonic)

I now believe there is no distincion in UFO:AI between flesh and armour, so I guess we can assume that all targets have some armour (civilians are easy to kill, anyway, and alien skin is just very strong, OK? and some aliens can use armour or are cyborgs). So perhaps to keep it simple, ordinary assault rifle sized single slugs fired with hypersonic speed?

3. If it has lots of ammo, it has smaller slugs.
4. If it has normal amounts of ammo, the ammo is very light compared to a rifle (1/3 to 1/2 the normal weight).

So perhaps 50 ammo instead of the assault rifle 30, since the slugs are caseless (but not more, bacause, say, the EM generators already weight a lot)?

How much more damage would such a gun do (to a steel plate, say), compared with the assault gun? Is the ingame model realistic/fun? How would you carry the gun (there are those many fields to fill in the game specs)? Though I guess it depends on the recoil/no recoil issue...


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Bolter rifle specs
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2006, 06:46:43 pm »
K. Re-read the article on wikipedia... You are correct about recoil.

First and foremost, I don't know what tech-level the bolt-gun is, so I'll list two ways I envisage it.

1. Human Advanced

A man-portable heavy rifle (think Barrett Light .50), with a back-pack power-pack, which provides enough power for a whole battle. The weapons is a single-shot anti-armour weapon that would be used more like a sniper rifle / anti-tank gun. Slugs would be small, tungsten penetrators for AP or jacketed lead for anti-personel. Slugs would be small (for less recoil) and caseless, meaning large clip capacities (50-100 for the size of a normal 5.56mm clip).

2. Human / Alien hibrid.

In rifle variant: Essentially the same as a modern assault rifle; more powerful and more accurate in aimed, but less so in burst. Power pack (battery) integrated into magazine to provide 30 to 50, 5 or 6mm slugs.

In heavy variant: Like the weapon outlined above, except the power pack is integrated into the magazine and the slugs are larger (say, 10 to 12mm), therefore reducing quatity (15 to 25).

With alien tech, there are two choices from slugs: tungsten pentrators, or something else that gets super heated by the high speed and turns into fiery hot plasma balls :D


The sound of the slug whizing past would be just the same as traditional weapon. I suppose that, because of the lack of an explosion (gunpowder) then, the weapon would be effectively silenced; it would be difficult for someone to workout where a shot was comming from, just by the sound of the bullet going past. On the other hand, the contrails take away from that...

The use of sabot for the pentrator rounds (a small slug in a larger casing that fell away after leaving the barrel) would be appropriate, but not necessary.

Offline Bandobras

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Bolter rifle specs
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2006, 09:41:52 pm »
Quote from: "ScreamingWithNoSound"
First and foremost, I don't know what tech-level the bolt-gun is

It is human advanced, AFAIK. However, it is several decades from now...

A man-portable heavy rifle (think Barrett Light .50), with a back-pack power-pack, which provides enough power for a whole battle.

That would be a trouble for modelling. I think, since it is several decades from now, I like the battery in the clip idea better.

The weapons is a single-shot anti-armour weapon that would be used more like a sniper rifle / anti-tank gun. Slugs would be small, tungsten penetrators

OK. That's one half of the story...

In rifle variant: Essentially the same as a modern assault rifle; more powerful and more accurate in aimed, but less so in burst. Power pack (battery) integrated into magazine to provide 30 to 50, 5 or 6mm slugs.

Great. I propose we merge the two and provide an accurate long range single shot and very unaccurate burst.

Slugs would be small (for less recoil) and caseless

Half weight of the slugs, caseless so there is more than twice as many in the clip as in the case of the assault rifle (assume the clips have the same size). This makes 150 ammo, but the battery eats a lot of space, so 50 ammo. OK?

Almost three times more speed than the assault rifle, so 8 time more energy, but half the weight so 4 times more energy, total. Almost three times the range, too. That settles the stats.

We also need a very quiet firesnd sound effect (a "whizing past" sound) and a slight contrails graphical projtl effect, a la quake2, but less pronounced and a slight fire effect for hitbody. What do you think?

What about the name? EM Rifle, Electromagnetic Rifle, Railgun, Bolter Rifle, Bolter Gun? Also, what about the description in the wiki?

So here it is. Comments are welcome. Notice the huge range, but effective range is smaller, due to spread (caused by weapon weight, the necessity of very tight grip due to recoil, inability to get one's eye close to the weapon, or it can be harmed by the recoil, etc.)

Code: [Select]

// =======================
// =======================
item bolterrifle
name            "_Bolter Rifle"
model           weapons/bolterrifle/bolterrifle
weapon          true
type            biggun
category        3
twohanded       true
shape           "0 0 5 2"
center          "7 0 1"
scale           1.3
ammo            50
reload          13
price           2800
buytype         0

item bolterrifle_ammo
name            "_Bolter Rifle Clip"
model           weapons/bolterrifle/bolterrifle_clip
type            ammo
category        0
shape           "0 0 2 1"
center          "0 0 -1"
scale           1.29
price           230
buytype         0

name    "_Single Shot"
skill   heavy
projtl  bullet
impact  bulletImpact
hitbody blood
firesnd weapons/tachyon.wav
speed   0
spread  "3 3"
crouch  0.8
range   1700
shots   1
ammo    1
time    16
damage  "80 5"
dmgtype normal

name    "_Burst"
skill   heavy
projtl  bullet
impact  bulletImpact
hitbody blood
firesnd weapons/tachyon.wav
speed   0
spread  "8 11"
crouch  0.5
range   1700
shots   3
ammo    3
rof     2
time    27
damage  "80 5"
dmgtype normal


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Bolter rifle specs
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2006, 01:49:36 am »
Sounds pretty good.

One interesting point I think we missed, was that recoil is affected by moving parts - semi / fully automatic weapons have moving parts that affect the centre of gravity, which in turn affects recoil. That's why sniper rifles are often bolt-action.

Granted, this is less prominent on rifles than subs, because of the different designs. However, railguns would have the advantage that they don't have any moving parts and are therefore more stable... but this is probably out-weighed by the extra recoil (atleast 3x as much momentum for same mass + faster projectile)

Heh... just something interesting... A 5.56mm round made from tungsten, fired at about mach 7.5 has about the same kinetic energy as a medium sized car travelling at 5mph... You'd need a projectile weighing 1kg to attain the same KE as the same car travelling at about 70mph!

Funny, huh?

Offline Bandobras

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Bolter rifle specs
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2006, 02:17:10 am »
Quote from: "ScreamingWithNoSound"
However, railguns would have the advantage that they don't have any moving parts and are therefore more stable

So, I'm glad I've set a moderate spread (even the burst spread is not that horrid due to the big crouch factor 0.5). Though at such high distances this spread is still prohibitive --- well, Sniper Rifle has to have some advantages over Bolter Rifle. In this I assume the spread of a weapon, as given by the spread figures, is not affected by maximum range, only by the distance to target. In other words, I assume that a pistol and a sniper rifle with spread "3 3" will have equal accuracy when shooting at a person 5 meters away. If nobody is able to hit a broad side of a barn with a Bolter Rifle we will know the assumtion was false.

Heh... just something interesting... A 5.56mm round made from tungsten, fired at about mach 7.5 has about the same kinetic energy as a medium sized car travelling at 5mph... You'd need a projectile weighing 1kg to attain the same KE as the same car travelling at about 70mph!

Cool! :) Take that, aliens!

Could you try your hand at the Bolter Rifle Description? It is at the wiki You could post your version here and when it is discussed (preferably by the author of the orignal one --- I pm'ed him some time ago) we could move it to the Wiki? The assault rifle specs for comparison are at the beginning of weapons_human.ufo.


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Bolter rifle specs
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2006, 11:39:12 am »
My apologies, I've been away for some time... A lot seems to have changed :P

So let's get this straight...

1. NOT recoilless...
2. Many small projectiles
3. Very high muzzle velocity (hypersonic)
4. Very long range
5. Mostly silent: what about the sound barrier issue? I have heard that many sound suppressors (silencers) have to reduce the speed of the bullet to keep it silent...
Quote from: "Wikipedia"
Another important factor in sound signature suppression is the muzzle velocity of the ammunition. In large caliber assault rifles and precision rifles, the bullet itself produces a noticeable crackling sound as it travels through the surrounding air. For this reason, it is more difficult to lower the sound signature of these firearms effectively.


Even subsonic bullets make distinct audible sounds simply flying through the air and hitting targets, and supersonic bullets produce a sonic boom shock wave as well with a much louder crack.

6. Reasonably accurate single shot, or horrifically innacurate Burst

Is there anything I've missed?

Let me know, and I'll write up a second version of the description and get it posted.


Offline Bandobras

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Bolter rifle specs
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2006, 02:43:22 pm »
Quote from: "PsyWarrior"
My apologies, I've been away for some time...

Glad to have you back. :)

A lot seems to have changed :P

Well, the weapon you created is totally raped and changed. Moreover, the patch, surprisingly, is already in SVN. But the description is still intact, so we can work from here, changing the weapon specs, if necessary...

1. NOT recoilless...

You mean there is recoil? Big one? Have you read the wikipedia article? Do you agree? I would be very glad if you verified our assumptions, not only benevolently agreed with our highjacking of your creation. :P

2. Many small projectiles

This is what we have done in your absence, in spite of the old description. Projectiles are small, big clip with battery included, but still lots of space for the caseless projectiles.

3. Very high muzzle velocity (hypersonic)
4. Very long range
5. Mostly silent


the bullet itself produces a noticeable crackling sound as it travels through the surrounding air.

Good quote. This means the sound we need is not a simple quiet whizzle, but  also a crackling sound.

supersonic bullets produce a sonic boom shock wave as well with a much louder crack.

This bothers me --- AFAIK ordinary rifle bullets are already supersonic (but not hypersonic). So why don't we hear the boom? Is it so quiet compared to the crackling (and the chemical explosion)?

6. Reasonably accurate single shot

Yes, but not accurate enough for the huge maximum range.

or horrifically innacurate Burst

Yes, but crouching helps (but there is no space for such details in the description, is it?).

Is there anything I've missed?

Details: ammo is expensive, shooting takes a lot of time (both movement points and animation time for burst), damage is four time that of assault rifle, but with low random variability, references to soft tissue are unwise, since the weapon is especially good agains armour and mediocre agains unarmoured bodies (but there is no such distinction in UFO:AI, so we gloss over this whole thing and assume everone has armour (or tough skin)).

Let me know, and I'll write up a second version of the description and get it posted.

That would be very nice of you. I've already asked ScreamingWithNoSound (above, in this thread), but there is never too much of a good thing (and he has not responded yet,  and he has lots of cool programming work in UFO:AI already, so probably he would not find the time, anyway).


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Bolter rifle specs
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2006, 11:59:07 pm »
Quote from: "Bandobras"

You mean there is recoil? Big one? Have you read the wikipedia article? Do you agree? I would be very glad if you verified our assumptions, not only benevolently agreed with our highjacking of your creation. :P

Not really my creation, just my gibberish written about it :P

It depends on whether it's a Railgun or a Coilgun. Both could effectively be described as Electromagnetic (and I didn't specify which the weapon was, quite deliberately). There seems to definately be recoil involved in Railguns. In addition, they are very high maintainance, with internal parts wearing out over time.

Coilguns, there is much less information about as weapons. They are usually described as less effective potentially compared to a Railgun, but there is no mention of recoil. Magnetic force first draws the projectile towards a coil, and then de-activates that coil and activates the next, drawing it on.

How much reactive force this would generate is uncertain, which leaves us to play with it a little...

Hence the name "EM Rifle", rather than tying it down to a specific weapon which would then either be realistic, or not. It gives us a little artistic license :)

Quote from: "Bandobras"

This bothers me --- AFAIK ordinary rifle bullets are already supersonic (but not hypersonic). So why don't we hear the boom? Is it so quiet compared to the crackling (and the chemical explosion)?

Well, guns do fire with a loud cracking sound... it's impossible to say really how much of this is the explosive force, and how much could be caused by the bullet breaking the sound barrier. Even relatively low velocity weapons are loud, so it's concievable that the human ear isn't able to differentiate the two 'cracking' sounds.

Quote from: "Bandobras"

Details: ammo is expensive, shooting takes a lot of time (both movement points and animation time for burst), damage is four time that of assault rifle, but with low random variability, references to soft tissue are unwise, since the weapon is especially good agains armour and mediocre agains unarmoured bodies (but there is no such distinction in UFO:AI, so we gloss over this whole thing and assume everone has armour (or tough skin)).

I understand. It seems to me that armour piercing rounds still do a fair bit of damage to flesh anyway :P
But I digress, references to 'soft targets' will be removed.
Ammo would be expensive because of the 'power source' included in the magazines, I'd guess?

I'll write something for you tomorrow, I'm a little sleep deprived tonight and I'd only give you gibberish in this condition


Offline Bandobras

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Bolter rifle specs
« Reply #12 on: June 29, 2006, 01:19:17 am »
Ammo would be expensive because of the 'power source' included in the magazines, I'd guess?

Yes, plus tungsten, or whatnot, is not very cheap, either. :)

I will repeat my question from the middle of this thread: What about the name? EM Rifle, Electromagnetic Rifle, Railgun, Bolter Rifle, Bolter Gun? Currently it is Bolter Rifle in the script file (and I like it), but I'm just changing the file, so perhaps I could take the liberty and change the name, as well...


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Bolter rifle specs
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2006, 09:31:37 pm »
From what I read here, people keep forgeting that energy is (mass*velocity^2)/2, momentum is mass*velocity. No matter what the propelling mechanism is, at the moment of the shot bullet(projectile) and the gun(rifle) get EQUAL (but opposite) MOMENTUM. So, the speed of the projectile is inversly proportional to the projectile/gun mass ratio. Energy used to accelerate the projectile is shared between the projectile and the gun. But since projectile moves faster, if gets more energy, also inversely proportional to mass ratio.

Let's do some estimates.
Let's assume projectile mass is 0.005kg. Velocity (as mentioned before) - 7.5M, which translates into 2550m/s. That would give the buller energy 16256.25 J, which is equivalent to the energy to 1600kg mass gains when raised 1m.
Let's say the gun ways 5kg (that would be rather heavy, I think). Conservation of momentum tell sus that at the moment of the shot the gun recoil velocity will be 2.5m/s. Pretty painfull recoil. To reduce the recoil we can increase gun mass and reduce projectile mass. Reducing projectile mass reduces energy linearly. Increasing gun mass does not reduce projectile energy.

As for accuracy. The problem with recoil is that if it is not aligned with the center of mass, the weapon will try to turn.


  • Guest
Bolter rifle specs
« Reply #14 on: September 09, 2006, 11:37:54 am »
What you *could* do is fire the ammo
fast enough it will be almost uneffected by recoil
[the bullets leave the gun before the gun is moved by
the recoil]

See for example the [real life] "metal storm" gun.