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Author Topic: Newb Question (about producing)  (Read 3659 times)

Offline Sinein

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Newb Question (about producing)
« on: July 05, 2007, 10:25:28 pm »
First thx for the game i liked the X-com series, so its SOOO COOL that sutch a free porject exists.

But to my questen, i played along, but i do not produce faster when i hirering workers, how can i asign them to a current project (like laser weapons etc).

Hope my english is not that bad  :wink:

Offline Zenerka

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Re: Newb Question (about producing)
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2007, 09:34:05 am »
Quote from: "Sinein"
But to my questen, i played along, but i do not produce faster when i hirering workers, how can i asign them to a current project (like laser weapons etc).

You do - in the new 2.2 version, which is under developement right now. Previous versions did not take workers amount into account.
You do not "assign" workers to production subjects, you always use max. workers you can use at given base (which is limited by free workshop space).

Offline BTAxis

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Re: Newb Question (about producing)
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2007, 09:36:50 am »
Quote from: "Zenerka"
You do - in the new 2.2 version, which is under developement right now.

Which, by the way, is available here: