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Author Topic: Bugs in 9189 trunk  (Read 3279 times)


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Bugs in 9189 trunk
« on: June 21, 2007, 12:17:46 pm »
First, the savegame bug from 9088 is gone.

Second, the bugs with negative credits and the missing "build new base" sign are still there.

Third, there is a new bug. When I use the
Code: [Select]
map "whatever the map I want is" function in the console the desired map is loaded, but when the tactical battlescape appears its just a blank map. Oddly the game is paused (?). I can swich between my soldiers, and the weapons change, but the ammo dont (I found that one of my soldiers with a Rocket Launcher had 30 ammo because first soldier had Assault Rifle).


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Re: Bugs in 9189 trunk
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2007, 06:23:38 pm »
I assume you tried this with multiple maps?

Can you confirm that it still occurs after running the following from your ufo.exe directory?
Code: [Select]
ufo2map.exe -bounce 0 -extra ".\base\maps\<mapname>.map"  Sounds like a bad compile.

Offline Mattn

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Bugs in 9189 trunk
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2007, 10:24:08 pm »
are there any game console messages? which map in special?


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Bugs in 9189 trunk
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2007, 12:45:28 pm »
Here's some pics

OK you can get the random maps. Didn't realize it was "+frozend". Great, now i just need a release where the "map" function in the console works (ADDED: This bug applies to all maps it try to load with the console). See screenshots for the problem (the console seems not to notice, and I can leave the game and load it again(no crash)):

The "blank screen problem" also appears when moving while game is paused. Screenshots:

Then the firebird bug, present in 9081, 9088, 9189... as far as I know. This time not only the game crashed, it went slow-motion and the computer lagged 5 minuttes before i managed to close the game. Screenshots below:

Sorry about all the pics


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Bugs in 9189 trunk
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2007, 06:13:17 pm »
[EDIT: Entire thing.  I meant to hit preview and hit submit while things at work got crazy]

Is it possible it's hitting the memory flush, like my map was doing prior, Mattn?   Snow should be the assembly small from frozend.ump, which is coded below:

Code: [Select]

assembly small
size "4 5"
title "_Snow"
+n01 "0 4"
+n02 "0 4"
+n03 "0 4"
+n04 "0 4"
+h01 "0 1"
+h02 "0 1"
+h03 "0 2"
+h04 "0 2"
+h05 "0 1"
+drop "1 1"

None of these maps seemed to have a significant failure point, and a 4x5 shouldn't cause an issue unless there's some serious light effects or a problem at the seams.


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Bugs in 9189 trunk
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2007, 10:32:39 am »
It is strange, when I was using 9081 there was no bug with loading maps via the console, it first appeared in 9189.
It is not graphical problems, as i can get all the maps when they appear as missions.
Might it be something with pausing the game that causes the error? You see, when I type in the console for example: "map mine01d" (Its not only "Snow") I get the loading screen. When the loading is finished the map starts, jet it is blank (see screenshot) and it turns pause on automatically. Thats why I tried going to a mission, which appears properly, pause the game and when i click/doubleclick to move, the same thing happens. Even though the map is already loaded.

Re-downloading, re-installing and adding the newest files does not help.