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Author Topic: How to remap keys?  (Read 2519 times)


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How to remap keys?
« on: April 06, 2007, 12:12:26 pm »
Hey, I tried to figure this out myself but I failed miserably :)
I found a post on the forum saying there is a .cfg file in the "base" directory, but all I got there is just .pk3 files (yes, I just downloaded the game yesterday). I guess some sort of unpacker would do the trick for me but I couldn't find any in the downloads section or installed somewhere on my PC.

What I am trying to do is change the key bindings to something more convinient for me and there doesn't seem to be "reassign keys" option in the game itself (just an option to view the current bindings, but not to change them).

EDIT: I just found out how to do it, didn't know .pk3 files are simply zip files, sorry :)


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Re: How to remap keys?
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2009, 01:16:21 pm »
Excellent!  Thanks!  I got tired of "E" being "end turn".  It was too close to other controls.