Sitters do you have any experience in animating humanoid models? I know you do not like it but a new alien model or more soldier animations would be really nice. So I'm just asking, I know it's not your hobby.
...and the van is cool as always
I am using Cinema4D and photo shop for all my model work, UV mapping , skinning also this software has very good stuff for animation, but it is working with scripts and that kind of stuff and is already prepared, like walking running etc.
But can not be used with md2 models.
Animation for md2 models, i must do with characterFX.
And that is boring and mind killing work.
Making an bone structure, animating frame for frame, a lot of work.
I only used it for mapping when I need models that must be interactive in the game ( like doors, machines etc. ).
That is enough for me, making an character with 35 frames I'd going to puke. ):O