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Author Topic: Income source proposal  (Read 6234 times)

Offline XCOMTurcocalypse

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Income source proposal
« on: May 13, 2006, 08:52:30 pm »
It is very lovely to earn money from saved civilians,and mission performances.Still,more sources can be added to the game.I think about one-shot missions such as saving a CEO or such VIP from a Terror mission.For example,in every terror mission there could be a secondary goal,given by a phone call from a corporation,stating that one of their VIP's are stuck in the terror mission.Success should make players earn much cash,while failure gives great dissatisfaction to the Corporation,which can be translated in game as unhappiness to the government you did the terror mission on.

Any more ideas?You know,one never has enough money in XCOM similar games.

Offline Mattn

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Income source proposal
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2006, 08:30:06 pm »
have a look at the nations.ufo in current rev.

every 1st day of a month you gain money from all these nations

but this is wip

Offline XCOMTurcocalypse

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Income source proposal
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2006, 01:04:50 pm »
I was thinking of more alternatives.I am sure you guys did already add monthly income.

Offline Bandobras

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Income source proposal
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2006, 12:27:40 am »
The CEO idea with the reputation risk sounds very nice. Is is doable with the current scripts (at least, without the reputation penalty for a failed mission)?

Or totally separate missions to rescue CEOs, with overwhelming monster counts, but you only need to get to the CEO, not to kill all baddies, most of which is in a distant part of the map, a long way from your starting position and from where the CEO is held. Or a mission to desroy some red box from afar with a rocket launcher, etc...


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Income source proposal
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2006, 10:34:13 am »
erm... not bad idea... Lets say you get a terror site, and a notice that some VIP or VIPs child (or item)is somewhere in corp hq(big building). He/they/she/it managed to lock him/herself up somewhere in building. Now to open door your mens know the code or have key or whatever to get in that building u just have to make sure you won't grenade/kill civilians inside buildings.

About red box shooting. Its unlikly cuz its too simple. But what about to get into alien base you first have to disabel security generator(give power to defence) if you don't do that mission will be harder. generators must be blown up with HEAVY exp. and u get heavy exp even when you don't own them.

About aliens: how about mission geting a certain type of alien. Like u have to get escapen alien, who escaped from your base only 1-2 mens can follow it and others will stay on board of ship.

Offline Bandobras

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Income source proposal
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2006, 12:00:59 am »
Nice ideas. Shooting the red box actually _can_ be interesting. For example it maybe somewhat obscured, so that you have the choice to either storm an alien strongold to get to the box itself, or storm a less defended tower and shoot from above, or lure the aliens to your interceptor area and sneak a small team beneath them to hit the box, or form a perimiter and take turns with your snipers, retreating and covering them with reaction fire from others, not to mention near-suicide attempts by individuals strapped with armed heavy explosives. 8)

Your security generator idea precludes some of those options, but perhaps puts an interesting emphasis on melee and melee weapons, since you cannot break the generator from afar and you are better off with a bloody charge after which aliens are weakened (no power) than with a long positional fight with overwhelming forces. No more camping. :)


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Income source proposal
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2006, 08:04:05 am »
Erm like base mission can be done w.o. destroying all "laser shielded" generators but what less gerators they do got that less "base defence units"(mechanizzed or maybe turrents or somthing) or maybe there are more door open or something like some aliens stuck behind doors that won't open

if u don't destroy generators all doors can be opened lot of "mechanized base defence" or something + alien knows ur positsion (only rooms not true positsion) cuz scanners are working or something.... Anyone got better ideas?