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Author Topic: Nanotech Armor  (Read 5924 times)


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Nanotech Armor
« on: January 15, 2007, 12:07:44 am »
While news is often played up for entertainment, there may be a slight bit of truth to this. I leave it to others for further research....


Pentagon to Develop Super-Suits

A nanotechnologist in Texas has come up with a way of producing a super-fabric with 100 times the strength of human muscle. The Pentagon now wants him to develop a super-suit for its soldiers.

 A US soldier of the future?
The Pentagon is hoping that a new type of suit will give its soldiers super-human powers. It would be made from a newly developed super-strong but super-lightweight fabric that could stop bullets and increase the soldiers muscle power up to a hundredfold.

The US military has long been searching for an "Exoskeleton" that would amplify the muscle strength of combat soldiers. However, up until now each attempt had been too inefficient, cumbersome or mechanical to be used.

Now the superpower's military is hoping to profit from the findings of nanotechnologist Ray Baughman from the University of Texas. He has managed to develop chemically grown nanotubes, which are like tiny muscles. The microscopically tiny particles contract when an electrical voltage is applied and get their energy from a mini fuel cell, that runs on hydrogen and oxygen. The mini muscles are a hundred times stronger than human muscle tissue -- and can be woven into a fabric that would contract when heated and go back to its original shape when cooled.

 Newsweek reports that Baughman now has a grant from the Pentagon to develop an exoskeleton for the US army. It is hoped that a suit made out of this type of material could allow GIs to jump over high barriers and transport heavy objects quickly and over long distances. The soldiers would be protected by another nano product -- a bullet-proof carbon fabric that would be a lot lighter and much stronger than the current bullet-proof vests.


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Nanotech Armor
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2007, 02:54:05 pm »
I think Nano armor should look like  diving suit, but not that bulky like is now...

Offline XCOMTurcocalypse

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Re: Nanotech Armor
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2007, 01:43:44 pm »
I'M back after an annoying amount of time.

Whatever God may help us if americans develop stuff like this, to be given to Bushco warmachine as toys.


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Re: Nanotech Armor
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2007, 11:44:16 am »
Exoskeletons sure are a hot item for tens of years and it might be very useful in ufo. Think of the superarmour in terror from the deep that lets you float above the battlefield. We could use something that allows us to amplify strength and such.
*soldiers that are heavily loaded move slower. the enhanced strength could speed them up again.
*superjumps, allow to jump one buildinglevel to jump on roofs, over fences,...

Because its realistic/not realistic doesnt mean we cant/can model it.
There are a lot of things in reallife that havent made it to ufo. Think about rubber pellets, heat sensors, radar images, microphones that calculate where that shot has been fires from,...


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Re: Nanotech Armor
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2007, 10:01:04 am »
You know what these exoskeletons would mean if added to the game? That's right. Soldiers using their fistcuffs as a viable weapon. Hardcore. Impliment plz. Breaking Ortnok face would be epic.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2007, 10:06:41 am by Surrealistik »