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Author Topic: IDEA : Better version of Power Amour - MechaAmour  (Read 5235 times)


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IDEA : Better version of Power Amour - MechaAmour
« on: January 13, 2007, 11:11:20 am »
Hi, im new here... please give your feedback about this idea of mine. Early warning, my english sucks so...

MechAmour - Heavy Mechatech Amour, combining the refleks of human mind and Accurancy of AI Assistant. This technology is based on Synaptic Link technology which intercepts and compute brain signals into machine commands.

Others :
- This amour enables Soldiers to mount Heavy weapons (Tank Class)
- Comes in 2 version, STR or AGI types

STR - A little Slower when compared with AGI type but can take and give heavy PUNCHES with.... err Twin Heavy Laser  ? AKA Grunts.

AGI - Increase Soldiers Movement/Speed with Not_so_bad amour rating, Suitable for units that need more versatility than power. Can be upgraded with AntiGravity/Jetpacks and suitable for Medics, Psi_specialist, Snipers, Scouts etc.

Base Tech research :
- Cyborg Ortnok Autopsy > Synaptic Link Implant
- Nano Tech.

I personally think the old "power amour" need some improvement in cronology and techbase, thats how i came into this MechAmour. Logically Power Amour should weight tons and of cause it is supported by some kind of "limb" of its own. The question is how do soldier control this Limbs effectively without loosing his refleks etc ?

Thats where Synaptic Link come in - a direct link to main brain stem, intercepting brain signals to control this mechanical limbs. The result is (like Power Amour) increase of Energy, Strength, refleks even TUs.

I welcome suggestion, critics or even Tech description...


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Re: IDEA : Better version of Power Amour - MechaAmour
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2008, 09:06:45 pm »
interesting idea, and considering the advanced technology that the aliens are bringing, maybe some sort of brain scan to control the limbs?

Offline blondandy

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Re: IDEA : Better version of Power Amour - MechaAmour
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2008, 01:16:45 pm »
we are not sure of ideas for armour.

we are short of people providing models. if you really want to see mechaAmour (sic (robot love?)), then make a nice set of animated models, and i think the devs would look favourably on it, if it looks cool.

Offline Doctor J

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Re: IDEA : Better version of Power Amour - MechaAmour
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2008, 06:59:08 pm »
interesting idea, and considering the advanced technology that the aliens are bringing, maybe some sort of brain scan to control the limbs?

As i understand, the Synaptic Link will implanted into the body of the soldier allowing them to "jack in" and control the machine via neural impulses.  Basic cybertech.

Offline shevegen

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Re: IDEA : Better version of Power Amour - MechaAmour
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2008, 04:41:57 pm »
Basic cybertech.

Guess we all have great ideas but they go no long way without models :)


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Re: IDEA : Better version of Power Amour - MechaAmour
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2008, 07:39:44 pm »
Model talk aside, if there is Synaptic Link tech implemented, it would probably require an implant.  I assume that so far in terms of implants, each soldier is only allowed one at a time (permanent, or requiring hospital/recovery time to swap).  So, soldiers with other implants may not be able to use this 'heavy' armor, while soldiers using this heavy armor may not be able to reap the benefits of other potential implants (psi offense/defense, reflex, targeting, etc., though the armor could convey some of these benefits in a lesser form).