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Especificações Técnicas: Lança-Chamas


PHALANX Unidade de Resposta Extraterrestre

Documento Técnico, Apuramento Delta

Arquivado: 20 de Março de 2084

Por: Cdr. Paul Navarre, R&D: Divisão de Engenharia, PHALANX, Comando de Operações do Atlântico


O ataque alienígena de Mumbai, claramente nos deixou uma situação dolorosa. Sua tecnologia é de longe mais avançada que a nossa. A completa incapacidade das tropas Commonwealth de fazer pressão na ofensiva de Mumbai, revelou fraquezas críticas no atual treinamento e equipamento militar. Eles perderam três batalhões somente na aproximação dos alienígenas, causando uma paralização sem baixas significativas. PHALANX tem que superar esses riscos, para isso nós precisamos do que a melhor tecnologia humana pode nos oferecer.

O Programa Excalibur foi criado para encontrar as mais eficazes armas na Terra pela análise das respectivas normas de fabricação, durabilidade, recorde operacional e de desempenho para enfrentarmos os alienígenas em combate.

De nossas experiências em Mumbai e outras cidades atingas, nós concluímos que os alienígenas parecem concentrar seus esforços em centros populacionais, especialmente em grandes áreas urbanas. A maioria dos combates tem sido em lugares de pequeno alcance. Para os fins do Programa Excalibur, nós temos escolhidos diversas armas de alta performance para nosso pacote de Combate Perto.

The Iranian ADA 22 flamethrower (nicknamed 'The Torch of God' by Alliance troops) is a marvel of modern engineering. Unlike the old flamethrowers of the 20th century, it requires no heavy pressure tanks to be carried on a soldier's back -- the ADA is one unit carried in the hands without any hoses or tubes. It simply slots a relatively small 200mm gas canister into the feed, fires its deadly ammunition, and then ejects the empty canister to make room for a reload. The system is ingenious and surprisingly reliable.

The muzzle of the weapon is a powerful pump that squirts gas into the air, then sets off the gas-air mixture by way of four parallel spark igniters, one main unit and three backups. These igniters each emit as many as ten sparks per second in order to ignite the fuel before it disperses. The backups are very important in preventing an explosion due to the special fuel the ADA uses, a substance called Compound 90.

Compound 90 is a new flamethrower fuel that, when injected into the air, creates a slow thermobaric reaction -- a fuel-air ignition rather than a fuel-air explosion -- that can roast living tissue in seconds. C90 inflicts horrific damage on organic targets; the heat generated exceeds 1700 degrees celsius, enough to melt titanium. However, due to its gaseous nature it leaves no burning residue (like napalm) on the target or in the surrounding area and disperses its heat much more quickly. This makes it significantly safer for urban use than napalm-derivative substances.

The ADA 22's main drawbacks are its short range and its complex internals, which are difficult to repair. However, our experienced technicians should have no problem doing maintenance on this model.

For PHALANX use, we have given this flamethrower the classification CRC-FL.


The CRC-FL is a close-range weapon; the operator needs to be fast in order to get into weapons range and unleash as much hell as possible. It is also a rather weighty weapon despite its relatively slim design. Strength as well as speed is required to wield it effectively.

Flamethrowers also make great ambush weapons -- just make sure that none of our soldiers are in the line of fire.


Essa arma não deve ser usada se houver civis próximos ou na zona de ataque.

Tipo de Dano

