Hello Everyone, the board has been pretty quiet, I have done some reading and looked at a good many posts. I am midway in my game. I have also played quite a few games in my day, as I gamed on the Commodore 64, the good ole days. Of course Xcom is in my top 5 games of all times. UFO AI, is quickly winning me over as well, especially the improvements over the original.
I want to tell you all personally, I am very impressed with the progress of this game over the last 5 years. I know you have put your hearts and souls into this game. I have made many mods in my days as well, and it takes lots of dedication and patience to get the results you want.
I will also be donating to this project, because I believe your work and effort are deserving of that. So enough flattery, time to get down to business. I definitely do not have time to look at all the posts on this board and I want to talk about the latest June 19th build.
I am really excited to give feedback here because this is not a Big Game Developer.
That I why I end up modding and changing stuff myself, because they usually don't care. I do, and am willing to help and learn.
I know some of what I am about to talk about has been covered in other threads. It would be nice if we had a posted thread of issues that are being worked on. Short answers are fine with me.
1) I read a thread about TU and Reserve shots and I think the game should get back to basics and do what XCOM or JA2 did they did a good job. Have reserve shot always on, no check box. I really don't need the computer to STOP me from movement, and I prefer it not too (this could be a game play option, maybe). All I have to do as a Player is pick the proper fire type before movement as it would subtract the RF TU's as it does but I want an option to not stop, but maybe warn me, that I do not have enough TU's for RF. This would greatly simplify RF TU's. If I run into an alien, then I can either fire, or take cover without having the game stop me. Much like the original game.Since I am on the topic of TU's. Reaction fire should not cost 8 pts (I read somewhere) 4 would suffice and it could be built into the first shot??
I think the weight penalty is too harsh. I would like to the penalty lowered to 8 or 6, and then happen again at every 15-20% beyond the 50%
Full auto options on hand held carried weapons is unrealistic and does NOT enhance game play. Military units very seldom ever use it, except when suppressing an enemy. And that is because it is so inaccurate and a WASTE of ammo. It should also cost WAY more than it does)only a very skilled gunner could shoot more than 10 rounds effectively. Now a UAV or vehicle on the other hand, can use full auto with effectiveness, mainly with gyro compensation and targeting software and camera's.
Please bring back Aimed shots for all weapons, that have had it removed.
I also would like to have back the Airbursting grenades it is a handy tactical option.
Just make sure alien armor is adequate for them in protection.
I won't go into some of the changes that I would make to balance some of the weapons that I can mod myself, unless you would like to discuss them. Overall though I like the newer combat, in this version, the ai is doing better. I did see quite a bit of negative difference in alien troop deployment in base invasions. 2 of them so far,90% of the aliens were deployed outside of my bases very few actually found their way inside. This changed since the December version. I will probably have to start over to get reliable results for sure, but it might be something to check on.
I would also like to see the initial stats of the soldiers upped by 10-20 for all stats. These are trained soldiers, and even though it is new to them to fight aliens, tactics are fundamental, but evolve for different foes.
This brings me to Pilots, with the new improvements to the game. Pilots stats need raised, as they really don't stand a chance with 10-15's at least put it in the 30's. I understand the difference in technology is great, and that they should be superior in many ways, but as a Player, I need that feeling of satisfaction of a good ole "dogfight"... that is gone now. It is like one hit or two and my planes are gone. (Money is far too tight for me to replace interceptors every engagement.) Don't' give me wrong I don't mind loosing a fight, or some fighters and pilots for that matter, but there is no sustained long range combat or evasion happening. The year is 2084 and even missiles today can travel hundreds of miles for engagements. I don't mind if I have to have 2 or 3 fighters engaged to bring down a harvester or , but when a UFO wipes out 2 or 3 of them in a matter of seconds and I have not even scratched them, that ruins that part of the game for me. Let alone the damage is so great, that there isn't any evasion to return to base, or eject options. I do not care if they have more powerful weapons than me, I am still superior...LOL
I also realize the need to build the alien type interceptors, and I want to thank you for lowering the alien Materials for them. That was a good move, but I feel that the hours to build them need increased. I would like to see a 10% bonus to production for every connected Laboratory, and Workshop.
2) Here is one of my major issues with the game mechanics, when you build something it costs you the FULL amount that it would for BUYING it. This destroys financial strategies for me, it also depreciates the value of workshops greatly. For me this does not make any sense whatsoever. I.E. If i scan an object with a 3d printer I can print and equivalent object for a fraction of what it cost me to "buy" it. That is the purpose of having a Production Shop. When I am not building for my teams, I want to be able to sell stuff and make some profit. It would be cool though to see, a bonus for more efficient production after the first couple of items are built.
It really feels to me as though base defenses have been neglected, there are not enough upgrades at mid point of the game to help out your fighters, or bring down the new and improved ufos. how about a Hybrid Missile Launcher for the base, or a refit for the Sam sites.
I do want to thank you for adding in the additional columns for the target destination for transfers, it was very much needed!! Awesome job!
3) Over to the Soldiers equipping screens. Thank you for adding the equip soldiers tab! But there needs to be a couple more things added. If there could be a small symbol indicating they are on an aircraft that would help.
Under the aircraft Soldiers screen (where you pick soldiers for the aircraft) I want an unequip soldier button if possible. This is needed badly, so that I can unequip wounded soldiers, if needed (because I can see their health here). I do not want to have wounded soldiers on the aircraft for a mission. I also don't build a crapload of extra equipment, unless I want to SELL it!
so I have to unequip wounded soldiers and get another one to take their place.
Can you please add a tab in the screen where you do equip soldiers for deployment, that shows the rank, mission info and health of the soldier. Everytime my soldiers come back from a mission, and they are wounded, I have to micromanage them. I have to flip through 3 screens to unequip the proper hurt soldier, and that is very annoying. Maybe when they come back hurt beyond 10% the computer can unequip them for me?Please do not take these things as rants or really criticism. The game is great fun to play, but with every new change comes balancing. I do have more to discuss, but it is time to make dinner for the kids. I am also willing to help, in whatever way I can.
Have a great night and thank you for making a very good game!
EDIT: Most important fixes, for game mechanics that cannot be modded, are highlighted in YELLOW