TODO/User interface toolkit/CSS for UFOAI
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Subset of CSS
A simple subset of CSS to allow to create random dictionary of properties per classname without any type checking (only string of char).
We can parse an only one CSS file and save data for access to the properties. When we read GUI scripts, when we read a class
, we can find CSS properties and apply it to the node as it is a property (providing a tuple name,value
). The node check itself the property name, and the property value).
It request to create a simple CSS parsing (look very similar to the UFO script) and a data access (random access to a classname; iterator of properties per classname); and a very little update of the node parser.
STYLESHEET = RULE* RULE = '.' IDENT '{' PROPERTYSET* '}' PROPERTYSET = IDENT ':' (VALUE|QUOTEDVALUE) ';' QUOTEDVALUE = '"' (ESCAPE|VALUE|SPACE|';')* '"' IDENT = [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-']* VALUE = [^;"]* ESCAPE = '\' [a-z"'\\] SPACE = [\t\s]
.classname1 { property1: value; property2: "foo bar"; property3: 1 1 0.75 1; } .classname2 { property1: value2; }
.mainButton { size: 256 64; image: "menu/button_big"; font: "f_menubig"; color: 0 0.5 0 1; selectcolor: 1 1 1 1; }
UFO script
custombutton button_singleplayer { pos "640 170" click { cmd "mn_push singleplayer" } string "_Single-player" class mainButton } custombutton button_multiplayer { pos "640 240" click { cmd "mn_push multiplayer;" } string "_Multiplayer" class mainButton } custombutton button_options { pos "640 310" click { cmd "mn_push options;" } string "_Options" class mainButton } custombutton button_tut { pos "640 380" click { cmd "mn_push tutorials;" } string "_Tutorials" class mainButton } custombutton button_credits { pos "640 450" click { cmd "seq_start credits;" } string "_Credits" class mainButton } custombutton button_exit { pos "640 520" click { cmd quit } string "_Exit" class mainButton }