Translation:Mail Bodies/da

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[mail_alien_ufo_crashed] Sir, %s er for skadet til at vi kan bringe den tilbage. Vi har dog været i stand til at indsamle noget brugbart udstyr fra vraget. Følgende udstyr vil ankomme til % med vores transportfly:


[Arguments:] ufo name -- base name -- list of item that could be collected aboard this ufo.


[mail_alien_ufo_recovered] Sir, vores hold har sikret sig en %s i felten. Jeg har sørget for at den bliver eskorteret til %s, ankomst indenfor to dage.

Vi bør skille den ad i enkeltdele når den ankommer. Vores ingeniører mener følgende udstyr er anvendeligt:


[Arguments:] ufo name -- base name -- list of item that could be collected aboard this ufo.


[mail_aircraft_landed] Kommandør, %s er landet i base %s. Den bliver nu %s. Vi anslår at luftfartøjet er klar til afgang igen om %s timer.


[Arguments:] aircraft name -- base name -- current status {refuelled/refuelled and rearmed/repaired, refuelled and rearmed} -- time before craft is ready for launch.

[mail_aircraft_bingo_fuel] Commander, %s has run out of flight time. It has only enough fuel left to return to %s. Mission has been aborted.


[Arguments:] aircraft name -- base name.

[mail_aircraft_ready] Commander, %s has been %s and is ready for action.


[Arguments:] aircraft name -- current status {refuelled/refuelled and rearmed/repaired, refuelled and rearmed}.

[mail_aircraft_lost_target] Commander, %s has lost radar tracking of %s and is unable to reacquire. Please provide further orders.


[Arguments:] aircraft name -- pilot status {The pilot has managed to eject safely and is currently being recovered/The pilot failed to eject in time} -- dropship troop status -- {The dropship's troop compartment was saved and X of our agents will be returned to base.}

[mail_aircraft_destroyed] Commander, {aircraft} has been shot down by hostile action. %s.



[Arguments:] aircraft name -- target name.

[mail_aircraft_new_at_base] Commander, %s has arrived at %s and has cleared its diagnostics and pre-flight tests. It is ready to launch at your say-so.


[Arguments:] aircraft name -- base name.

[mail_alien_activity_reported] Good morning, Sir.

We have a confirmed sighting of live aliens in %s. Civilians are at risk; I recommend we send troops over there right away. Good luck and good hunting.

With kind regards,

Col. Falkland

[Arguments:] mission location.

[mail_alien_ufo_downed] Good morning, Sir.

We've shot down an alien craft. The UFO has crash-landed in the national territory of {nation}, and I've already secured permission for our troops to go in and recover the craft. We should dispatch a dropship immediately.

With kind regards,

Col. Falkland

[Arguments:] nation of crash site.

[mail_alien_response_too_late] Good morning, Sir.

I thought I'd let you know, the enemy force at %s seems to have successfully %s due to our failure to respond. All hostiles have disappeared %s. %s civilians died in the incident, and our reputation has suffered as a result.

With kind regards,

Col. Falkland

[Arguments:] location name -- mission type-dependent string {completed its mission/repaired its UFO} -- mission type-dependent string {into the countryside/into orbit} -- number of civilians killed.

[mail_alien_new_radar_contact] Sir, radar is tracking an unidentified target on our screens. %s has no scheduled flight plan and is not responding to hails. We should launch an interception immediately.

[Arguments:] target name.

[mail_alien_lost_radar_contact] Sir, the unidentified object %s has disappeared from our radar screens. All attempts to reacquire %s have failed and we have no further knowledge of its whereabouts and activities.

[Arguments:] target name -- target name.

[mail_alien_base_discovered] Sir, our operatives have discovered the location of a large alien installation on Earth in territory belonging to %s. This installation represents a serious threat to PHALANX and to humanity at large, we must take it out ASAP.

[Arguments:] nation name.

[mail_mission_summary] Sir, I have a brief report for you of our mission to %s.

The mission was a %s. The hosting country, %s, was %s with our performance and our relations with them have %s.

%s aliens were found and killed by PHALANX troops. %s PHALANX troops were killed or are missing in action, and %s civilians were killed over the course of the mission.

%s items have been recovered from the battlefield and moved to base storage. We captured %s live enemy specimens and retrieved %s bodies.


[Arguments:] location name -- mission result-dependent string {success/failure} -- nation name -- mission result-dependent string {impressed/disappointed} -- mission result-dependent string {improved/deteriorated} -- number of aliens killed in mission -- number of PHALANX troops killed in mission -- number of civilians killed in mission --number of items recovered -- number of live aliens recovered -- number of alien corpses recovered -- UFO handling-dependent string {The UFO has been recovered and transferred to a UFO hangar/The UFO was recovered but had to be discarded for lack of space.}.

[mail_base_attack_report] Here is the report regarding the alien attack on our installation %s.

The mission was a %s. We %s the base.

%s facilities received minor damage and are being repaired at no significant cost.


%s facilities received major damage, requiring immediate repair. Refurbishment costs have been subtracted from our budget.


%s facilities were completely destroyed in the attack.


%s aliens were killed during the fighting. %s PHALANX troops were killed or are missing in action.

%s items have been recovered from the battlefield and moved to base storage. We captured %s live enemy specimens and retrieved %s bodies.


[Arguments:] base name -- mission result-dependent string {success/failure} -- nation name -- mission result-dependent string {held/lost} -- number of minor damaged facilities -- list of minor damaged facilities -- number of major damaged facilities -- list of major damaged facilities -- number of destroyed facilities -- list of destroyed facilities -- number of aliens killed in mission -- number of PHALANX troops killed in mission -- number of items recovered -- number of live aliens recovered -- number of alien corpses recovered -- UFO handling-dependent string {The UFO has been recovered and transferred to a UFO hangar/The UFO was recovered but had to be discarded for lack of space.}.

[mail_new_base] Ownership of our new base has been transferred and the premises have been secured. %s is now ready for construction.

[Arguments:] base name.

[mail_construction_finished] A new %s has been completed and is now operational in %s.

[Arguments:] facility name -- base name.

[mail_equipment_received] The new equipment we ordered has arrived at %s. It's been tested and is ready for use.

[Arguments:] base name.

[mail_transfer_received] The transfers you ordered for %s have arrived and are ready to go.

[Arguments:] base name.

[mail_ufo_in_hangar] The recovered %s has arrived at one of our UFO Hangars in %s, Commander. We can now start disassembling it for parts.

--Cdr. Navarre

[Arguments:] UFO name -- base name.

[mail_monthly_report] Sir, our monthly budget and performance review is due today. Here are the figures and overview of our operations.


Base maintenance: %s Credits

Aircraft maint.: %s Credits

Equipment maint.: %s Credits

Total maintenance: %s Credits


Base construction: %s Credits

Facility construction: %s Credits

Total construction: %s Credits


Soldiers salary: %s Credits

Workers salary: %s Credits

Scientists salary: %s Credits

Pilots salary: %s Credits

Total salary: %s Credits


Production costs: %s Credits


Aircraft bought: %s Credits

Aircraft sold: %s Credits

Equipment bought: %s Credits

Equipment sold: %s Credits

Total bought/sold: {+/-} %s Credits


The UN has been {happy/satisfied/unhappy} with our overall performance and has {increased/maintained/decreased} its funding for the PHALANX project this month.

UN funding for {next month}: %s Credits

Funding for previous month: %s Credits

Change: {+/-} %s Credits


Total income: %s Credits

Total expenditures: %s Credits

Current funds: %s Credits


Alien activity reports: %s

Missions performed: %s

Missions succeeded: %s

Missions failed: %s

UFOs spotted: %s

UFOs shot down: %s

Enemies killed: %s

Enemies captured: %s

Soldiers lost: %s

Aircraft lost: %s

Bases built: %s

Bases lost: %s

[mail_production_finished] The engineering team has completed production of {item} at {location}. All equipment is tested and ready for use.

--Cdr. Navarre

[Arguments:] lots.

[mail_production_not_enough_resources] There aren't enough materials to continue production of %s at %s. The production has been suspended.

--Cdr. Navarre

[Arguments:] item name -- base name.

[mail_production_not_enough_money] We're too low on funds to continue production of %s at %s. The production has been suspended.

--Cdr. Navarre

[Arguments:] item name -- base name.

[mail_prolog] Velkommen til den nye post, øverstbefalende. Du har nu fuld kommando over FALANKS, rumvæsenudrykningsenheden. Din mission er at beskytte verdensbefolkningen og stoppe truslen fra rumvæserne for enhver pris. Hvordan du opnår dette er op til dig, vores eneste krav er at det lykkes.

Din første opgave er at oprette et hovedkvarter. FN har adgang til militære baser over alt i verden, så du må vælge et vilkårligt sted til dit hovedkvarter. Vælg stedet med omhu, da det vil have indflydelse på chancen for succes for FALANKS projektet.

En nylig analyse af angrebene på Mumbai og Bonn afslører at UFO observationer og rumvæsen aktivitet ser ud til at fokuserer sig omkring de mest befolkningsrige områder på jorden, f.eks. kystområdet i Nord- og Syd-Amerika, Europa, Asien, Syd- og Midt-Afrika og Australien. Du bør overveje at inkludere disse territorier i dit operations område.

Når du har oprettet din første base, må du klargøre dine soldater. De soldater vi har udvalgt til FALANKS projektet skal tilknyttes et landingsfartøj og så udstyres til kamp.

Tag godt vare på dine soldater, øverstbefalende. Resten af verden regner med dig og beder for din succes.

Det er alt. Held og lykke, samt god jagt.


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