TODO/User interface toolkit/Cloner proposal

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A cloner is a panel containing nodes it can clone when we load a script.

Cloner properties
rows V_INT Number of rows; number of clone generated
rowHeight V_INT Y position variation between two rows

The cloner only clone the first level of child (one deep); and a child is cloned if his name contain <num>.

cloner foo {

    button button_<num> { ... }

    checkbox checkbox_<num> { ... }

    button dont_clone_me { ... }

"num" is an abstractnode property. The cloner update some clone properties. The "num" properties of a clone is updated using the number of the clone (first clone is 0, second clone is 1...) Name of a clone is updated with <num> substitution. Properties using cvar name with <num> are also substitut. All over properties dont change anymore. Events are shared by all clone from the same node, but with can use the runtime substitution using <num>.

Node position of clones are also updated, according to the cloner properties and the initial position of the cloned node.

cloner foo {

    checkbox checkbox_<num> {	//< substitut at loadtime
		min *cvar foo<num>	//< substitut at loadtime
		current 1
		delta *cvar foo<num>	//< substitut at loadtime
		max 10

    checkbox reset_<num> {	//< substitut at loadtime
		click {
			*path:parent.checkbox_<num> 0	//< substitut at runtime
		num 10	//< no effect, cloner will update the value

Example with messageoptions

This example will generate 12 x 3 checkbox into a panel, with the right positions. The same change event action is shared by 12 checkbox, but the <num> is used to generate the right command. This code should work like the old one.

menu messageoptions {


	cloner check {
			pos			...
			size		...
			rows		12
			rowHeight	25

		checkbox bt_pause<num> {
			tooltip		"_enable or disable game stopping"
			pos			"360 0"
			size		"20 18"
			image		"menu/checkbox_blue"
			current		0
			invis		true
			change		{ cmd "msgoptions_toggle <num> pause;" }

		checkbox bt_notify<num> {
			tooltip		"_enable or disable displaying a notification message"
			pos			"30 0"
			size		"20 18"
			image		"menu/checkbox_blue"
			current		0
			invis		true
			change		{ cmd "msgoptions_toggle <num> notify;" }

		checkbox bt_sound<num> {
			tooltip		"_enable or disable playing sound"
			pos			"60 0"
			size		"20 18"
			image		"menu/checkbox_blue"
			current		0
			invis		true
			change		{ cmd "msgoptions_toggle <num> sound;" }

