Equipment/Proposed/Cloaking Device

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The cloaking device renders an alien invisible on sight and also for most equipment. It uses the principe of bending the light and so makes the unit invisible by naked eye. IR googles can detect some shadows moving throught the battlefield, that enables the soldier equiped with IR googles to shoot the cloaked enemy, but at great accuracy penalty. The cloaked unit can be detected with advanced IR sights, developed from the IR googles. The cloaking device is large piece of equipment and consumes full backpack capacity.

Battle Implications

The device can be used only for a limited perod of time, as the energy drain would be very high (3-4 turns). There is an on/off switch, that allows the cloak to operate for shorter time periods. After this time the device is useless and cannot be used until recharge at the base.

The device is ideal for stealth tactics - sneaking into the position of human player and inflicting great damage by placing proximity mines, attacking a soldier with a kerrblade, suicidal attacks with an alien detonator etc., or to move undetected on the battlefield