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intro_sentence1 It is the year 2084. Earth, never the most stable of places, enjoys a time of relative peace. The violent beginnings of the 21st century are far away now; distant memories, but not so distant that they've been forgotten. To most of Earth's people, the Second Cold War is a dark shadow from the past, much like the World Wars were to the children of the late 20th.

It is the year 2084. Earth, never the most stable of places, enjoys a time of relative peace. 公元2084年。我们所认识的地球在长久以来,虽然不是一个非常和平的地方,但也享受了一段相当长的和平。

The violent beginnings of the 21st century are far away now; distant memories, but not so distant that they've been forgotten. 21世纪初期所爆发的战争,虽然已经过了许久,但仍然记忆犹新。

To most of Earth's people, the Second Cold War is a dark shadow from the past, much like the World Wars were to the children of the late 20th. 对于大多数人来说,第二次的冷战,只是过去的阴影。战争的记忆就像20世纪末出生的人一样,模糊的记得有过第一次世界大战。

【全文协调性】 公元2084年。我们所认识的地球在长久以来,虽然不是一个非常和平的地方,但也享受了一段相当长的和平。21世纪初期所爆发的战争,虽然已经过了许久,但仍然记忆犹新。对于大多数人来说,第二次的冷战,只是过去的阴影。战争的记忆就像20世纪末出生的人一样,模糊的记得有过第一次世界大战。

---Sirine 07:55, 23 June 2009 (UTC)

intro_sentence2 Conflicts have gotten rarer near the end of the century as new technology and universal health-care finally became available to the third world. Even the fires of terrorism have cooled in the wake of the Second Cold War, with its horrors and inhumanities still fresh in the minds of the people, from the old United States to the ravaged Indian subcontinent. Class struggles are ascending to the political battlefield now that every nation is guaranteed fair representation in the UN, and the global standard of living is slowly on the rise down to the most impoverished corners of the planet. Countries have solidified, stabilised around a restructured United Nations that successfully polices the world governments. Fragmented clumps of smaller nations, frightened at first by the vast power blocks accumulating around China and the European Union, have banded together into powerful political leagues of their own -- then found themselves with no neighbours they could safely fight. For the first time in the history of mankind, there is law and order across more than three quarters of the world.

Conflicts have gotten rarer near the end of the century as new technology and universal health-care finally became available to the third world. 新科技和医疗知识以及技术,终于普及到了贫困国家,令这世纪末的战争和暴力冲突变得很罕见。

Even the fires of terrorism have cooled in the wake of the Second Cold War, with its horrors and inhumanities still fresh in the minds of the people, from the old United States to the ravaged Indian subcontinent. 旧美国以及印度群国所恐惧的恐怖活动,在第二次《冷战》平静过后也渐渐减少了。

Class struggles are ascending to the political battlefield now that every nation is guaranteed fair representation in the UN, and the global standard of living is slowly on the rise down to the most impoverished corners of the planet. 每一个国家在联合国里,都被保证拥有着公平的代表权,促使国以国之间的战场转移到政治平台,全球的生活水准已经在逐渐上升,连最贫困角落的人,对生活也有显著的改善。

Countries have solidified, stabilised around a restructured United Nations that successfully polices the world governments. 在改组后的联合国的监督下,世界各国,都成功的迈向繁荣和稳定。

Fragmented clumps of smaller nations, frightened at first by the vast power blocks accumulating around China and the European Union, have banded together into powerful political leagues of their own -- then found themselves with no neighbours they could safely fight. 中国和欧盟的强大和权威,让一些零星小国深感危惧,而纷纷的团结起来,组织自己的政治立场,--最终发觉他们已经没有可以轻易侵略的邻国。

For the first time in the history of mankind, there is law and order across more than three quarters of the world. 这使得在人类的历史上,首次拥有了超过四分之三的国家,都尊奉法律和秩序。

【全文协调性】 新科技和医疗知识以及技术,终于普及到了贫困国家,令这世纪末的战争和暴力冲突变得很罕见。旧美国以及印度群国所恐惧的恐怖活动,在第二次《冷战》平静过后也渐渐减少了。每一个国家在联合国里,都被保证拥有着公平的代表权,促使国以国之间的战场转移到政治平台,全球的生活水准已经在逐渐上升,连最贫困角落的人,对生活也有显著的改善。在改组后的联合国的监督下,世界各国,都成功的迈向繁荣和稳定。中国和欧盟的强大和权威,让一些零星小国深感危惧,而纷纷的团结起来,组织自己的政治立场,--最终发觉他们已经没有可以轻易侵略的邻国。这使得在人类的历史上,首次拥有了超过四分之三的国家,都尊奉法律和秩序。

---Sirine 07:55, 23 June 2009 (UTC)


Conflicts have gotten rarer near the end of the century as new technology and universal health-care finally became available to the third world. 新科技和医疗知识以及技术,终于普及到了贫困国家,令这世纪末的战争和暴力冲突变得很罕见。

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