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Is there any hope that this is ever going to happen? It would be unbelievably cool but understandably difficult to implement.

Quick thought: How to make it work.

To make this fit in with the story of the game a bit more easily, not to mention make it easier to implement, maybe the aliens that the player controls would be a part of the hive mind deliberatly cut off from the rest and with a certain individuality to certain parts (A part of it that takes care of research, a part that takes care of supplies, a part that takes care of tactics, etc and a higher part that overrules them all) inorder to imitate PHALANX forces and counter them.

The alien campaign would naturally be started a bit 'later' in the timeline and while Phalanx would be the main enemy maybe there could sometimes be misunderstanding between the Player Aliens (Called PA from now on) and the Main Force (Called MF from now on) that leads to battles between them (Maybe three way battles sometimes with Phalanx?)

As things escalate maybe things could detoriate between the PA and the MF with more or less the same result as the human campaign except that naturally the PA takes control of the earth in the end (and depending on whether the vaccine I have read about a bit on this wiki is succefully used by Phalanx, the control can differ from unruly control through brute force to simply the humans now being part of the PA forces)

Gameplay details about the group:

  • They have two types of command centers, one single sqare one and the type used in the main base which takes up two squares (Called Thought Construct or TC from now on) but houses a biological contruct that serves as the part higher part mentioned above and is also what the player actually is in the game. (Loss of this in a defence mission means automatic defeat)
  • The TC also serves as the PA source of 'money' as it converts things into raw materials (Their 'currency') in someway to allow it to be used for their purposes.
  • The equivalent of the PHALANX mission to stop a alien attack would for the PA to clear out all civilians (Which could be armed/be military forces maybe?) aswell as any PHALANX forces and grab any materials that could be converted into raw materials (Which is the reward for completion)
  • In battle the PA soldiers give eachother dodge/hit bonuses depending on how many of them and how well can see the enemy that is attacking/being attacked. This is due to the hive mind. I don't know if something like this is already implemented for the alien side ingame but it would make sense.
  • The PA can naturally produce UFOs but more advanced UFOs require special parts that can be gotten in several ways depending on which part of the story the player is in.
  • Other missions for the PA could include:
* Attacking PHALANX bases with diffrent objectives such as destroying it, freeing prisoners (Which later in the game would be the only source of reinforcements along with capturing the MF aliens in battle) and retaking UFOs (Which might be in different states of disassembly from being useless except as parts to construct to being able to fly right away) and the like.
* Intercepting Convoys with things captured by Phalanx. This would be a source of UFOs and equipment for the PA

Human Campaign effects: They could exist as elite (More health, more accurate, better at tactics, etc but rarely more than one squad at a time) opposition in the Human Campaign.

The existance of this would create a need for some special missions such as:

  • Investigate unknown battle. (The PA forces fighting the MF forces)
  • Attack [Name for PA group ingame] base. (And a main base variation but it is 'heavily defended' and needs some story research to be found and then some sort of 'bunker buster' weapon to built (Using large amounts of antimatter maybe?) before the base can be attacked without the mission automatically failing or there being litterally endless amounts of enemies and unpassable doors. This 'bunker buster' and base assault would be part of the story. Succesfully attacking the main base would eliminate the PA forces and their missions along with some reward neccesary for research to progress through the story)
  • Variations of the normal missions except the player are warned that the Aliens that the aliens are behaving a bit oddly/seem to be elites. Research might change this and tell the player that it's the PA group.

And techs with titles such as:

  • Elite Alien forces. (First encounter with PA group is only against them/when they are fighting with MF forces)
  • Alien factions? (First encounter with PA group is when they are already fighting MF forces)
  • Elite [Alien Race] interogation. (The elite is a captured PA alien. Needs 'Elite Alien Forces' to be researched so they know what they are getting into as the Alien is obviously diffrent)
  • Unknown Faction [Alien Race] interogation. (The 'Alien Factions?' counterpart to the above)

That is all for now but I might add more later. RF 20:16, 21 March 2009 (UTC)