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UFOpaedia Entry


TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: Dr. Connor, R&D: Bio & Containment Division, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: %02i %s %i

SUB: Proposal: The Alien Mind


Though we've achieved limited results so far, research must continue on our alien captives. There's a number of experiments we'd like to run that require your authorisation for lab time and funding. I assure you this is not blue-sky research; with enough tests and behavioural data, we may be able to figure out a way to communicate with these aliens, perhaps even reawaken their intelligence somehow. We don't know what the results of the program will be -- we simply know too little about these aliens, our body of data is far too small to make any predictions at this point. What we do know is that every tidbit we learn about alien psychology is a valuable piece of the puzzle.

On a personal note, I'm convinced they must know something, Commander. The trick is in getting it out of them, and we're by God going to do it.

My team and I are all eagerly awaiting your approval for the program.


Dr. Connor


TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: Dr. Connor, R&D: Bio & Containment Division, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: %02i %s %i

SUB: Re: The Alien Mind


My team has finished conducting a number of tests on our captives that have shed some light on the aliens' behaviour.

In one experiment, an alien specimen was given a box of food, sealed by a two-digit number lock. The subject took six hours to find the right combination by trial and error. This places the alien's IQ well below most large terrestrial mammals; however, when other subjects in the Containment were given the same task, with exactly the same lock, they all immediately input the right combination on their first attempt without having been exposed to the first specimen's attempts. We know how this looks, Commander, but I assure you my team and I have been thoroughly conscientious about security and separation. The aliens have not been allowed to communicate in any way. We're not yet willing to commit to any definite hypothesis about these events, though we're working on it.

Unfortunately, results of our other experiments have been inconclusive at best. Various ways of communication have been attempted without success. Despite having fully functional vocal cords and/or working hands, they do not seem to speak or sign in any sense that we understand. Pheromone communication has had no effect beyond simple physical reactions. The large biological disparity between alien species also creates its own share of problems with containment and communication -- please refer to the alien autopsy reports for more details on individual alien physiology.

Nevertheless, I believe we're making progress, however slowly. Communication with the aliens is certainly within the realm of possibility. Our studies confirm that all alien specimens react to external stimuli. This means that we can make them respond, one way or another. Dr. Yamamura is currently working on teaching an isolated group how to express desire, acknowledgement and denial. Their intelligence is too limited to attempt anything more sophisticated at the moment. Once the subjects have mastered these basic concepts, we will have some data on the rate at which the aliens can learn, and a solid foundation upon which to build. Yamamura hopes we can gradually raise their communication skills until they can make themselves intelligible to us, thereby spreading this knowledge to others of their kind who may possess superior intellect and talents.

As always, I will keep you informed, Commander.


Dr. Connor


Research Tree Data

(This information for reference only; do not translate or include in-game.)

 3 live aliens in containment
 Live Alien
 Odd Behaviour