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Tekniske specifikationer: Førstehjælpskasse



Teknisk dokument: Sikkerhedsniveau Delta

Arkiveret: 19. marts 2084

Af: Kaptajnkirurg Helen Floydd, Lægedivisionen, FALANKS, Atlanterhavskommandoen


In the past, the application of first aid and field surgery in hostile situations required specially-trained combat medics and surgeons who could handle the stresses of saving lives under fire. Troops who saw their friends being hit usually had no choice but to keep fighting and hope the medics would arrive in time -- that is, if they didn't freeze or panic or make some futile attempt at a field dressing without ability or materials. If the wounded survived at all, they'd still be out of action for weeks or months at a time.

This may have been a workable strategy in the trenches of World War 2, but it isn't any longer. Waiting for a medic to arrive on the scene can contribute to the death of a soldier who might have been saved by immediate aid. The prompt application of trauma medicine needs to be made as quick and easy as possible so that any soldier can provide life-saving effort with minimal training. This is where the modern medikit comes in.

Every medikit contains an onboard computer that can diagnose injuries via directed X-ray and ultrasound. It can run ECGs and EEGs at the same time, measure blood pressure and heart rate, and even calculate the soldier's combat effectiveness based on his or her individual record (stored in a small subdermal chip for medical, locational and identification purposes). All this information can be shown in a small hologram or displayed directly to a soldier's helmet information system. At the same time the medikit can deploy a number of drugs and sterile surgical tools for emergency operations, cauterise wounds via a special heating iron, and -- most importantly -- apply its store of nanorobots to a wound.

The old idea of medical nanobots was first put into practice by Vietnamese researchers thirty years ago. Today, medicine without them is almost unthinkable. Nanobots are tiny robots several micrometres in diameter which can be programmed to perform specific tasks on the fly. They will quickly sterilise a wound and seal ruptured arteries, alert the medikit operator about any internal bleeding, request suction at appropriate places, patch up bowel or stomach punctures, revive or remove necrotic tissue, and repair nerve damage. They dissolve harmlessly in the victim's bloodstream once their battery runs out, which lasts no longer than 10 to 15 seconds, often not long enough to stabilise heavily-wounded troops. Two or more doses of nanobots may be required. Any number of doses can be applied and metabolised with no ill effects.

This technology is the most important breakthrough in trauma surgery ever made. It can do everything except regenerate tissue. If more attention is required -- for example when a vital organ is hit, or a bullet is lodged in a critical place -- the medikit provides equipment and detailed instructions for the soldier to follow. It can never replace the operating room, but it's as close to a portable hospital as we'll ever get.

Anbefalet doktrin

Alle vores soldater er blevet trænet i brugen af førstehjælpskassen. I en ideel situation ville alle soldater bære en til øjeblikkelig brug - men jeg anerkender at vores soldater har begrænset lastkapacitet. Alle alvorlige sår bør behandles uden opsætning for at forhindre komplikationer og yderligere risiko for den sårede soldat. Hvis ofret stadig kan gå, bør personen trække sig tilbage fra ildkampen og søge dækning for sikkert at kunne modtage behanding fra en kammerat.

Førstehjælpskassen medbragte medicin kan også bruges til at få bevidstløse soldater tilbage til bevidsthed. Hvis dette gøres, så sørg for at få den genoplivede soldat væk fra ildkampen så hurtigt som muligt og fortsæt med yderligere behandling på et sikkert sted. Sygeplejersken kan selv blive tvunget til at indgå i kamp med rumvæsener for at muliggøre patientens undsætning; dette er en acceptabel praksis, men vær venlig at sørge for tilstrækkelig med dækningsild for sygeplejersken. At handle en soldats liv for en anden giver ikke god mening på slagmarken.

Så snart en såret soldat kommer tilbage til basen i live, vil vores lægehold overtage behandlingen. Risikoen for at en soldat får trauma når han er i FALANKS' omsorg er mindre end 1 procent, og så tæt på nul som vi kan få den.

