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Latest revision as of 13:43, 2 October 2010



TIL: Øverstbefalende, FALANKS, Atlanterhavskommandoen

FRA: Kommandør Paul Navarre, F&U: Ingeniørdivisionen, FALANKS, Atlanterhavskommandoen

DATO: %02i %s %i

ANG.: Forslag: Laserpistol

Dette er en af flere forslag jeg indsender vedrørender forskning i og udvikling af nye laservåben. Hver af disse må udvikles separat på grund af forskelle i størrelse, energiniveauer og systemernes kompleksitet.

Vores optegnelser vedrørende brugen af bølgelaser har givet ide til en masse nye design, og denne er måske den sværeste at udføre: Et deuterium-fluoride-laservåben på størrelse med en normal pistol.

Det svære i dette vil være at gøre delene små nok og lette nok til at de vil:

1) Passe i størrelsen i forhold til en pistol og 2) Være let nok til at kunne sigtes og affyres med en hånd.

Som altid vil det være et kompromis mellem størrelse og kraft, men med nok arbejdet tror jeg vi kan bygge en fungerende laserpistol. Vi venter kun på din godkendelse.

--Kommandør Navarre


TIL: Øverstbefalende, FALANKS, Atlanterhavskommandoen

FRA: Kommandør Paul Navarre, F&U: Ingeniørdivisionen, FALANKS, Atlanterhavskommandoen

DATO: %02i %s %i

ANG.: Re: Laserpistol

Øverstbefaldende, jeg undskylder på forhånd hvis min tekst ikke svarer til den normale standard. Vi har haft en række søvnløse nætter hernede i Ingeniørdivisionen på grund af arbejdet med laserpistolprojektet. Det har været en imponerende mængde arbejde, men jeg er meget stolt af at kunne sige, at det er lykkedes. Vi har udarbejdet en prototype af en fungerende laserpistol.

The system is essentially the same as the one I've outlined for you in my report on Continuous Wave Laser Operation. Excited molecules of deuterium fluoride are lased and focused through a series of intelligent lenses. Waste gases are put through our custom filtering system, which we've scaled down even further. However, the reduced capacity of the filtering system and the smaller optical resonator have demanded some tradeoffs.

The laser pistol can only lase deuterium-fluoride at about half the rate as our old Continuous Wave Laser prototype. Naturally this produces only a half-strength beam, doing half the damage of a larger weapon. It requires a period of continuous exposure -- several seconds at least -- for the beam to inflict enough damage to kill an unarmoured target. Armour will complicate the issue even further, and it's impossible for lasers to shoot through clouds of smoke, gas or fire. Still, as long as the target isn't obscured or immune to highly-focused light or heat, the laser will burn through anything given enough time.

All the usual advantages of laser weaponry are present in the pistol. It's very quick to fire, and if the soldier misses his target at first, he can adjust his aim without letting go of the trigger. And there's another bonus particular to our pistol design. Thanks to the extremely high accuracy inherent in laser weaponry, it will be easy for ambidextrous soldiers to use two laser pistols at once.

We've designed the pistol to use the standard deuterium-fluoride cartridges which we've drawn up to power all of our laser weaponry. This means it uses the same amount of D-F as the larger designs, but uses it up at a much lower rate, effectively giving the laser pistol more ammunition than any of our other laser weapons.

As with all handguns, the laser pistol is strictly a backup weapon. It isn't powerful enough to compete with rifles of any kind. On the other hand, the laser pistol completely eliminates the problems regarding range and accuracy that plague conventional handguns. Its range is quite impressive indeed for a handgun. It can shoot out to 60 metres with pinpoint accuracy thanks to the aim-correcting lenses, and it can fire continuously for minutes without reloading. This will make it particularly valuable in wide open terrain.

We will need to have at least one D-F Cartridge on hand at all times in order to be able to load and use a laser pistol.

--Kommandør Navarre