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Latest revision as of 13:42, 2 October 2010



TIL: Øverstbefalende, FALANKS, Atlanterhavskommandoen

FRA: Kommandør Paul Navarre, F&U: Ingeniørdivisionen, FALANKS, Atlanterhavskommandoen

DATO: %02i %s %i

ANG.: Forslag: Plasma og granatkasteren

Commander, my team and I have drawn up a research proposal for a new tac weapon based on our plasma grenade research.

Now that we're able to reproduce these alien plasma grenades, we've been looking into the possibility of adapting the technology to be fired from a grenade launcher. This would be a challenge, as the plasma hand grenades are significantly larger than 25mm, but we may be able to produce a scaled-back version that -- while not as powerful -- will have all the advantages of being fired from our standard HPGL Grenade Launcher.

If we can manage to design and produce magazines of this type, they'd lend the HPGL increased firepower and even more tactical applications, well worth the monetary cost.

The project is waiting for your authorisation, Commander.

--Cdr. Navarre


TIL: Øverstbefalende, FALANKS, Atlanterhavskommandoen

FRA: Kommandør Paul Navarre, F&U: Ingeniørdivisionen, FALANKS, Atlanterhavskommandoen

DATO: %02i %s %i

ANG.: Re: Plasma og granatkasteren

Commander, we've finished the testing and prototype phase of our new 25mm plasma grenades. We're ready to move it to mass-production and full field deployment.

For this project, we already had ready access to all the required technology. We've made very few changes to the general design of the grenade. The only real challenge was to shrink the complex machinery enough to fit inside a standard 25mm shell. We've had to scale back the power of the plasma grenade somewhat in order to do that -- the hydrogen core of our new 25mm shell is a fair bit smaller, emitting less plasma than the alien hand grenade. However, this is offset by the fact that it can be fired en masse from our HPGL Grenade Launcher over relatively long distances.

We've dubbed our creation the 25mm PB ('Plasma Burst') Grenade. We can manufacture them by the box or by the speedloader, both of which will be extremely expensive to produce. One full load of 25mm PB is essentially an entire magazine of miniature plasma grenades, miniatures which are even more difficult to create than the original.

The amount of firepower we've added to our team grenadier(s) is frightening to behold. Launch a cylinder of these grenades into a crowded street, and the only thing left will be ash. They'll become a highly valuable addition to our arsenal.

--Cdr. Navarre