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UFOpaedia Entry


TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: Cdr. Paul Navarre, R&D: Engineering Division, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: %02i %s %i

SUB: Proposal: Alien Artifact -- Plasma Grenade

Commander, our last tac mission has brought back an alien plasma grenade. This is a highly powerful grenade-type weapon that, once thrown, explodes in a shower of superheated plasma. It's somewhat larger and appears to be a good deal more dangerous than our standard frag grenades.

We should examine this weapon to see how it works, what it's made of, and how it's put together. Once we have those points figured out, we should be able to replicate it for our own use.

The project is ready for research, just waiting on your authorisation, Commander.

--Cdr. Navarre


TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: Cdr. Paul Navarre, R&D: Engineering Division, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: %02i %s %i

SUB: Re: Alien Artifact -- Plasma Grenade

Commander, our assessment of the alien plasma grenade is complete. Like all the alien weapons, it's very nasty and very dangerous.

The device is essentially made up of seven components: a casing, a trigger, a battery, a timer, an explosive charge, a plasma chamber and a solid hydrogen core. The casing is specially shaped to create a toroidal blast zone around the grenade, concentrating power into a smaller area. The battery is highly powerful and barely within our power to duplicate. The trigger is of particular interest, because it contains a tiny thumbprint scanner which verifies that the grenade is not being accidentally activated. A legitimate (i.e. non-accidental) activation starts the timer countdown. The length of the countdown is variable depending on the number of seconds that the trigger is held down, but it has a built-in safe minimum of three seconds.

Once the timer reaches zero, the battery unleashes its power, heating a core of hydrogen to plasma in milliseconds. The explosive charge sends the grenade tumbling into the air, and once the grenade achieves vertical orientation and ideal height, the plasma chamber containment is switched off. Rapid expansion of the plasma causes the casing to burst, spraying high-velocity fragments and plasma particles all over the area of effect. Due to the unstable nature of uncontained plasma, the grenade has a limited blast radius, beyond which the plasma particles cool and slow down too much to be dangerous. This radius is approximately 50% larger than that of a standard human frag grenade.

Anything caught within the area of effect will be either severely injured or dead.

We've drawn up a set of blueprints that will allow our Workshops to begin immediate construction, and a manual to train our soldiers in its use. They will now be able to use the plasma grenade as any other grenade in our arsenal.

--Cdr. Navarre

Damage Type



Stat Suggestions

(This information for reference only; do not translate or include in-game.)


1) High damage. 2) Large area of effect.


1) Limited range. 2) Large. (1x2 inventory size)

Research Tree Data

(This information for reference only; do not translate or include in-game.)

 1 Plasma Grenade
 Plasma And The Grenade Launcher
 Enables production -- Plasma Grenade