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This article provide a way to set up an environment for compiling on Windows, willing to use Eclipse CDT as development environment. For Windows, you also need MinGW and MSYS.

Configure MSYS/MinGW for Windows

On Windows Eclipse need MinGW and MSYS to compile sources. See also the MinGW article.

  1. first preparations:
    1. use prepackaged version for MinGW/Code::blocks, extract MinGW where you want (I used E:\MinGW)
    2. install MSYS (E:\MSYS)
    3. update MSYS with compiled versions found in MSYS download section: (perhaps these are only needed if I want to run autoconf from configure.ac; in the end that led to another error not being able to run configure, so I used configure version from trunk)
      • m4-1.4.7-MSYS
      • msys-autoconf-2.59
      • msys-automake-1.8.2
  2. started configure, realized that SDL.h was not found because of missing path
  3. create missing path/link. You must have Microsoft junction:
    • in MSYS command shell
      1. cd /usr (E:\MSYS\1.0)
      2. mkdir local
      3. mkdir local/cross-tools
    • in Windows command shell
      1. cd E:\msys\1.0\local\cross-tools
      2. junction i386-mingw E:\MinGW
  4. restarted configure, realized that SDL libraries are not found
  5. change sdl-config (if you have problems with SDL lib checking)
    1. sdl-config is located in E:\MinGW\bin
    2. add "-lmingw32 -lSDLmain -lSDL -mwindows" from --libs to --cflags
  6. now configure and make will run, further steps are needed to get it running in eclipse:
    1. add MinGW and MSYS bin folders to PATH variable, I placed it at front because there is a windows version of find which uses wrong syntax to let make run under Eclipse
    2. to get rid of massive warnings about unused linker files: Edit Makefile in root directory, remove the -l parts from CFLAGS

Configure Eclipse

For useful work with Eclipse I use Ganymede (3.4) package for C++ developers, added SVN Connector + JavaHL implementation (found on polarion To enable C features for UFO:

  1. add SVN repository to list
  2. check out as new project
  3. Use "New"->"Convert project to C/C++ project" to add c project nature

This way I now can compile/debug UFO directly from Eclipse, having SVN support for easy updating. I don't add this to main page because I want to hear your comments whether this is a "clean" solution. RudolfoWood 20:01, 13 August 2008 (CEST)

Make, run and debug on Windows

Make all to create binaries (hammer icon). If it dont work, be sure Eclipse know the MinGW and MSYS binary path.

  • Window -> Preferences -> C/C++ -> Environment
  • Add a "path" variable with MinGW and MSYS binary path

Fix binary parser if need.

  • Project -> Properties -> C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Binary Parsers
  • check "PE Windows Parser"

Add a "run configuration"

Radiant compile

These steps I did to prepare radiant building. I actually can't compile it yet, so I will add more steps...

  1. added GTK dependencies by installing(all in one bundle, unzip to MinGW directory)
  2. added GtkGLExt (followed this instructions)
    1. download and untar 1.2.0 file from here
    2. removed all lines with pangox from untared configure (last one GDKGLEXT_PACKAGES="gdk-2.0 pango pangox gmodule-2.0" just remove pangox from this line)
    3. configure (./configure --prefix=/mingw)
    4. remove the lines with
      --fprod "/* enumerations from \"@filename@\" */\n" \
      --fprod “\n/* enumerations from \"@filename@\" */" \
      from gdk/Makefile
    5. make && make install
  3. follow this instruction to install xmllib2 - just untar, configure, make and make install.
  4. now ufoai "configure --enable-uforadiant" works
  • for radiant compile I had to change from gcc to g++ - I'll try to provide a change to makefiles after I figure out how this would be done clean. I'll add further notes later

RudolfoWood 19:16, 17 November 2008 (UTC)

Radiant makefile changes are in trunk, so nothing to be done for that. --enable-uforadiant is no longer needed. One thing I had to do to get radiant running:

  • copy libxml2.dll to /radiant (mine was in E:\msys\1.0\local\bin)

RudolfoWood 14:50, 27 December 2008 (UTC)