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Latest revision as of 04:28, 16 April 2009

The U.S. millitary first used the area denial system to supress large groups of people with a less than lethal approach. It was noted be army soldiers that via the photo electric effect the area denial system was able to disable enemy ieds. This effect was optomised for use against enemy armor and naturally enemy soldiers. Advances in minaturization allowed U.S. and in a more primative form Russian forces to field micowave based weapons. Due to the U.N. Ban on microwave weapons these weapons were kept secret however with the prospect of an alien invasion they arent really objecting too much.


against biological targets, this weapon will inflict massive damage to an unarmored target, especially against targets with large fluid spaces and gaps between organs. The differential heating could cause the target organs to collapse and suffer damage akin to radiation burns. Pulsed opperation would be lethal and possiby cause the target to 'pop'

against robots it will cause electrons to jump and short out elecronics resulting in a soft kill.

low power continuious- will cause enemy soldiers to experience a burning sensation and loose conciousness form continuious exposure. high power continuious- will burn enemy soldiers and cook them from the inside out high power pulse-will cause massive mechanical and burn damage

Any aliens killed this way will yield little to no research value.