Technical support > Bugs in stable version (2.5)
No text on UI after starting the game
I started the game today for the first time after about 2 months, and all the text from the UI is missing, you can see the boxes, but there is no text in them. I had no problem with this before.
The only thing I can think of is that I just installed the new Java version, but I cannot see how that could affect UFOAI. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game with no effect. Windows 10, latest update.
Attached ufoconsole.log.
Same here, no text in ui
I tried a fresh install of 2.5 on latest Windows 10 (new PC).
Tried 2.6.
Tried to copy over a working install from Win7 (32bit), also no text visible.
Any help would be strongly appreciated, i dont want to stop playing this great game.
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