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Author Topic: Bugs and "Problems" i had after testing 2.6  (Read 8219 times)

Offline Adler

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Bugs and "Problems" i had after testing 2.6
« on: April 24, 2017, 03:42:01 am »

Unarmed Aliens
I had it on 2 different maps that aliens didn't have any weapon equipped. They just fled and tried to hide.
First time i saw this at the map a "small hut" (don't know english name, it's little cabin in a large wood), there where Tamans and Hovers, the Tamans had no weapons.
Second time i saw this at the map "Lab" (?), Sheevars only, two of them had Kerknives, the rest of them were unarmed.

Buggy door
Also on the map "lab", there is a backyard door. That door appeared closed or opened, depending from what angle i looked at it. I could neither open nor walk through that door. I tried restart the game and load savegame, bug stayed.
I had something similiar in the "Old mine" map. There was a wooden "bridge" inside the mine that appeared/disappeared, depending from what angle i looked at it. It was usable though.

Sheevar without weapon and the door that can't be opened. On this screenshot it appears open:

I still have the savegame if needed.


- in the combat mode some buttons are too small in my opinion. The "visible alien" button could be an idea larger, because i use it a lot and always have to be careful to don't miss it
- same with the 3 buttons for the different states of the soldiers (life, tu and sanity(?)). They are easy to miss, i had to activate the option "confirm movement" to solve my continous misclicking. Maybe it would be helpful to expand the clickable area of those buttons that there is no space between them (could be done invisible)
- the accentuation of the actually chosen soldier in combat isn't intense enough. It should be seen without having to "concentrate"
- when i reload my weapons and don't have enough tu left, i usually put the magazine in the right hand at end of a turn. But when i do so in 2.6, the reload button isn't available anymore and i have to reload it manually in the inventory

Marketplace menue
- it would be nice if a mouseclick on an opened category would close it. Then it wouldn't be necessary to use the scroll bar that often

Soldiers and Soldiers and Pilots menue
- i don't know if it is the same in the english translation, but in german the skill numbers are sometimes readable and sometimes (very often) aren't. There seem to be no pattern behind it, because it was from soldier to soldier and skill to skill different. I had to activate the "stretch screen" option to solve that problem

Soldier inventory
- i don't like that i can't see the available space and that the items "float in free space" around the soldier. I think that propably makes it even harder for someone new to the game. For me it would be enough it were in a slightly darker grey or something like that

Campaign screen
- only something minor. When the clock counter runs, it "hurts" my eyes. I think it's because the timer somehow is centre aligned. Maybe it would be better to give each number a fixed space, or set the alignment to the left

- the fuzzy screen would have appeared like a graphic error to me if i haven't read about it at first. After playing a few hours and getting used to it i have the following opinion: In some screens it gives an interesting touch to the game, but in others it still looks misplaced and washed-out
« Last Edit: April 24, 2017, 03:58:56 am by Adler »

Offline Damyen

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Re: Bugs and "Problems" i had after testing 2.6
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2017, 10:51:11 pm »
Hello. Thanks for feedback. Just short reply here, to help you with some issues.

I had it on 2 different maps that aliens didn't have any weapon equipped. They just fled and tried to hide.
I never had aliens without any equipment; at least, they had a grenade or a plasma blade. Which difficulty did you choose?

in the combat mode some buttons are too small in my opinion. The "visible alien" button could be an idea larger
Maybe could you also try the keyboard shortcut (space bar)? (note: I prefer small buttons to have a large view of the map).

The accentuation of the actually chosen soldier in combat isn't intense enough.
Quite true.

It would be nice if a mouseclick on an opened category would close it. Then it wouldn't be necessary to use the scroll bar that often
It should work so. You open and close categories by clicking on them. Strange (or I don't understand the problem ;) ).

I don't like that i can't see the available space and that the items "float in free space" around the soldier. I think that propably makes it even harder for someone new to the game. For me it would be enough it were in a slightly darker grey or something like that
Check this :,9066.0.html (a bug report was made)

Offline geever

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Re: Bugs and "Problems" i had after testing 2.6
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2017, 10:54:46 pm »
It should work so. You open and close categories by clicking on them. Strange (or I don't understand the problem ;) ).

I just committed that change half an hour ago. ;)


Offline geever

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Re: Bugs and "Problems" i had after testing 2.6
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2017, 11:46:58 pm »
UI is fairly easy to change it is scripted. As always: patches are welcome. ;)

About the fuzzyScreen overlay I started a poll.

The skill/ability numbers: Is a bit more ticky. The text and the number is in the same string the length of the word determines whether there is enough space for the number. We need to split them, but also figure out how to show both in such a small space....


Offline Norby

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Re: Bugs and "Problems" i had after testing 2.6
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2017, 11:21:10 am »
The skill/ability numbers: Is a bit more ticky. The text and the number is in the same string the length of the word determines whether there is enough space for the number. We need to split them, but also figure out how to show both in such a small space....
I made a solution in inv_stat.ufo in v1.3 of my patch, sorry for it is not separated from my other changes.

Offline Adler

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Re: Bugs and "Problems" i had after testing 2.6
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2017, 01:06:52 pm »
I never had aliens without any equipment; at least, they had a grenade or a plasma blade. Which difficulty did you choose?
I've chosen "very hard". Maybe this problem is only in the beginning of a campaign, when aliens don't use advanced technology. I've seen aliens without weapons until they had plasma rifle. Since they use plasma rifles, they all have weapons.
And iam sure they didn't just drop their weapon, because i saw them even turn 1 without weapon.

Don't know if that is of interest, but i think i had more fights then usual such early in the beginning. Maybe you increased number of UFOs in 2.6.

Maybe could you also try the keyboard shortcut (space bar)? (note: I prefer small buttons to have a large view of the map).
Sure. But sometimes i am too lazy to use a second hand.  8)

And what i wrote about the missing reloading button, forget it. Maybe i hadn't seen it or i was somehow abscent, but it seems to work as intended.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2017, 01:13:46 pm by Adler »