Thank you Namerutan but this is Arch Linux. The header files here are under /usr/include and bfd.h is there, what makes it more weird.
And this files comes with the package "binutils" so, when you install it with:
sudo pacman -S binutils
/usr/include/bfd.h will be created.
However, I believe that this is not the problem as the cpp files are compiled and the error is with lua when the build performs a "LD" on "". It seems it is not looking for lua in the right place.
With some more further search I found the very same problem reported on Arch Linux forums: it seems there is a patch uploaded into UFO AI Issue tracker here:, it does not work. Indeed, I have lua5.3 and the lua.h file is directly below /usr/include but for lua5.1 it can be found under /usr/include/lua5.1
So I manually changed the configure file according to the following patch:
diff --git a/configure b/configure
index c1f9379..2ca8e02 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ check_headers() {
check_header "zlib.h" "zlib"
check_header "png.h" "libpng"
check_header_bundled "curl/curl.h" "libcurl"
- check_header_bundled "lua.h" "lua5.1"
+ check_header_bundled "lua5.1/lua.h" "lua5.1"
check_header_bundled "mxml.h" "mxml"
check_header "SDL.h" "sdl"
check_header "SDL_mixer.h" "SDL_mixer"
I also tried:
./configure --with-embedded-lua5.1
But it also failed to build.
I'm getting out of ideas...

I'm going to place this problem in the Arch forum as well.