I realized that high encumbrance should reduce movement much more than aiming, first aid or other actions.
So now I softed the TU formula: -1TU comes after each +4% weight only in the whole range up to 100% weight, but I added a feature which increasing the TU cost of movement over 50% weight. Colors are refined also:
Green color is appear in 0-46% weight (bonus TU),
Skyblue at +0TU (46-50% weight),
Yellow from -1 TU to -4 TU (51-65%), movement need 3 TU for each step,
Orange from -5 TU to -6 TU (66%-73%), a step need 4 TU,
Dark Orange from -7 TU to -8 TU (74%-81%), a step is 5 TU,
Red from -9 TU to -10 TU (82%-89% weight), a step is 6 TU,
Dark Red at -11 TU (90%-93%), a step is 7 TU,
Darker Red at -12 TU (94%-97%), a step is 8 TU,
Darkest Red at -13 TU (98%-100%), moreover every step consume 9 TU.
A "Move" label after the kg in inventory screen show the number of squares what the solider can reach in a turn. This is calculated by dividing the max. TU with the movement cost of a step at the current weight and wounds, then rounded down.
The exact TU cost of a single move is displayed at the end of the tooltip.
This way looks more real, soliders now able to pull the trigger even at 100% weight.

A good side effect is a big reduction in the appearance of "Not enough TU" popups in the inventory screen.
Please test this system in the attached zip or in the updated