Hello all.
I have one funny proposal, without any hopes on it other, then just to laugh

Have to note, soldier pain/death sounds are like heared in classic Nexuiz and now - Xonotic.
Both male and female, for at least 2 male persons, and probably one female (for male it matches to xonotic's default soldier and that angry man, bawling in one teaser "Who is next!").
There might be more fun, adding some taunts, typical for FPS:
wink!, yeaaaah!!!, <some taunt from same soldier, begining from "for">, aahahahaha!, who is next!, you sssuck!, <some taunt phrase from same person>
...at least for multiplayer ...may be something more original to differ from those two FPS'es, list above is rather a pachals

These are persons, mentioned above: