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Author Topic: SF-username  (Read 3384 times)


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« on: November 05, 2014, 03:36:53 am »
So I live in a third world country with DSL and can't download the master branch through git without my connection terminating at some point.  Seeing the rsync option here, I tried that, but I am a bit confused how to close the deal.  I assume the instructions were intended to be written as

After the fetching you need to do some more things:
1. rename code.git to .git
2. edit .git/config and set bare to false
3. go into ufoai and checkout your working copy

I then assumed these commands were to follow while I was in the ufoai directory that received the code.git.

Code: [Select]
git remote set-url --push origin ssh://<SF-username>
git remote set-url origin git://

However my bash terminal is confused by SF-username.  Am I supposed to replace SF-username with something then execute these commands?

Offline TBeholder

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Re: SF-username
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2014, 03:58:41 am »
Code: [Select]
git remote set-url --push origin ssh://<SF-username>
git remote set-url origin git://

However my bash terminal is confused by SF-username.  Am I supposed to replace SF-username with something then execute these commands?
Try to put the whole argument in quotes (double or single, there may be difference). Use codes (%20 for space). Check whether SF really uses what it displays - e.g. in URLs of your user pages.

Offline DarkRain

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Re: SF-username
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2014, 04:19:56 am »

Yes you are supposed to replace <SF-username> with your user name for (where our reopsitory is hosted), however note that this command is only needed if you plan to get push access to our repo (we always welcome new contributors :) )

Code: [Select]
git remote set-url origin git:// should allow you to fetch changes if that's all you want