You should be able to send ships to arbitrary locations on the world map, this way you can scout and eventually find alien ground bases.
You can. It also allows to intercept faster UFO (even
Firebird can shoot down some scouts) - under "intercept" they try to go around the planet.
You should be able to make your ships follow UFOs from a safe distance, so you can attack the UFO as soon as it has landed and grab the intact UFO and not just the damaged one, and also be able to follow it to alien ground bases. As an extra gameplay element the UFO could realize that it is being followed and start attacking, or try to flee, maybe even a stealth device for the own interceptors or drones could be possible.
See point 1. If your aircraft is faster, manually clicking outside firefight distance usually does the trick. Also, dropships have radar,
lots of fuel and low fighting capability, so they double as AWACS.
After the shotgun and the plasma blaster where great, but then there is no good weapon for close combat, so after a while I just had to change the profession of my close combat soldiers, in skirmish mode there is a double barrel shotgun, but I did not find it (yet? I just finished production of power armor) in the campaign.
Yup, without burst mode on the Riot shotgun, double barreled version starts to look attractive. It's configured (in
equipment.ufo and
equipment_missions.ufo) to be available only in skirmish and appear in the hands of local armed guards (farmers, police, gangsters...) too. Except this part apparently doesn't work.
Also, different magazine volume means seems to be a problem with the current way of ammo handling.
One of the coolest weapons is the grenade launcher, I think it deserves flash, gas and smoke grenades.
Yup. Currently, the way magazines are implemented doesn't allow partial load and thus unloading, though.
Initial base design is far from ideal (the alien containment is right besides the dropship hangar and living quarters are far away, the workshop is on the opposite side of the dropship hangar and you have to defend/take two entry points), maybe there should be an option to assemble the initial base in the campaign instead of using the standard layout.
Yup, it's horrible. Containment is isolated (heh), Powerplant in two steps from the stairs, and Radar is
between entry points.
Another suggestion (this one will probably much more complicated to implement): What about the possibility to hover over the map first and see the surface (maybe even try to shoot some aliens with an onboard cannon) and choosing a landing site
As it is, a map preview showing main passages, alien craft location and choice of several landing positions would be a good start.
there could be places where the dropship could land and places, where the team had to go down on ropes or parachutes. I think this would add another tactical element to the missions. If the dropship stays in the air, there could even be some airsupport (not only with the board cannon, but also with visibility like in the base defense missions), of course this would have to be balanced and the AI would need some counter strategy and the ability to adapt to this (e.g. like staying in buildings, being able to shoot in the air...).
Air support - yes, but it's not exaqctly sniping, and the map is supposed to be a small location already with civilians, and either way with friendlies after drop... Of course, this brings up the point as to why crash landing in the middle of nowhere always spawns civilians who are tethered to this little spot of land.

Perhaps target designators on soldiers could help. Then again, if you want to get targets in the open and have target designators, just roll a low-caliber mortar or bundle of missile tubes into dropship and have indirect fire support - much faster than remotes (once you have them) can get to the scene, and more precise (and less splash-y) that air support.
As to parachutes and fast-roping - why not, but a lot of aliens are going to use reaction fire. You have seen that "Fast Roping 101" picture, right?

But if it was more Apocalypse-y and "more than one dropship" was implemented, this could be a good idea for
Alternatively, drop a few UGVs on parachutes before landing or dropping troops: little boxy tanks are both less vulnerable and easier to fix, and even if they slagged one, at least now you know where's the trouble. Speaking of which, why ever waste trooper compartment space on UGV like in X-Com, and even then, why so much? They look squat, more than enough to be stackable 2x, and/or could be hung right on the door or ramp - it makes sense to lead with these anyway.
Same applies even more to deployed cameras: 3-4 webcams with tranceiver, wire landing gear and parachute can be cheap and small enough to cluster-bomb the whole map with eyes - losing a lot of them is expectable, but provides information too. A lot of fun can be had beyond visual range.
(1) After a while zero bombs showed up in the equip solders menu, but I was not able to purchase any of them or make them in the workshop.
There's one map with bomb puzzle. It could be made much less arcade-ish if there were more destructible objects, of course...
(3) I was not able to find out what smoke was good for.
my ufoai version is 64bit, 2.5-1~getdeb1
Did you miss all the threads here about how smoke is overpowered?

But mostly, you see civilians ahead - throw a smoke behind them, now aliens (who will probably walk out right after them once you end the turn) won't see and mow them down.