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Author Topic: Soldiers vanishing after a transport mission and still taking up space  (Read 3972 times)

Offline vuser

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I have a production base with 4 living quarters, 30 engineers, 3 soldiers and 3 pilots.
Fearing an impending base attack (a gunboat UFO showed up and it's heading towards the base) I hired 4 additional soldiers.

Now I have 30 engineers, 7 soldiers and 3 pilots. The living quarters are now full, 40/40.

A nearby base has 5 available high-level soldiers. I fire 5 workers at the production base to make room. Living quarters now 35/40.

I start a transfer mission for those 5 soldiers. When they arrive, I get a message that the living quarters are full. The living quarters are indeed at 40/40 but the transferred soldiers were not added to this base. In fact, they are nowhere to be found. No backwards transfer mission was started, and the soldiers are not in the list of any base, although they take up living space at their "destination".

Can you reproduce this or do you need a save?

I have a save when the 5 soldiers are en route, and a save immediately after they were supposed to arrive.

Unfortunately, the last save before the transfer started is quite a while ago. Is there a way to stop an ongoing transfer? Is there a way to get these soldiers back via console commands / cheating? I wanted to play fair (and was lazy to re-equip them), so I used the transfer mission instead of teleporting them by kinking them out and selling their equipment, and hiring them and re-buying the equipment at the new location.

Offline geever

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Re: Soldiers vanishing after a transport mission and still taking up space
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2014, 04:12:26 pm »
Please attach the savegame when they're on route, I'll try to figure out  what went wrong from that.

FYI: Currently soldiers get unarmed when transfered so you need to re-equip them anyway.


Offline vuser

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Re: Soldiers vanishing after a transport mission and still taking up space
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2014, 04:23:37 pm »
Here is the save.
The destination base is called "Factory".
The Gunboat would arrive sooner than the transport, but the 3 dragon interceptors in the "Factory" base can shoot it down.

I guess the problem is that the headcount is added twice to the base. first when I start the transfer, and second, when they arrive. I tried the following: I kicked 6 workers out of the destination base. After the 5 soldiers arrived, the living quarters were 39/40 instead of 34/40 (12 soldiers + 19 workers + 3 pilots).
« Last Edit: September 28, 2014, 04:47:43 pm by vuser »

Offline geever

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Re: Soldiers vanishing after a transport mission and still taking up space
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2014, 05:48:10 pm »
The fix is in master. Thanks for reporting!
