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Author Topic: Using the alien crafts  (Read 5078 times)

Offline cevaralien

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Using the alien crafts
« on: July 24, 2014, 11:37:54 pm »
I was thinking about this idea. Mankind is fighting an advanced alien force, right? It´s very difficult to discover all their secrets in one month or one year. How to build an alien aircraft or an alien-like aircraft? yes, i talk about the Dragon, Starchaser, Stingray... i mean, these are awesome designs, but what about using the captured alien crafts? It could be more realistic because the research limits to use the crafts, not build alien-like crafts. This can solve two problems (at least for me): first, the most faster dropship begun to be available later in the game. So, if the UFO Fighter or UFO Scout can land (there are maps with this), it could be nice to take this craft for human use. You have an armed dropship and figther. The research can be directed to "mod" the UFO, for example, putting human weapons. The second one, the realism of the game. Yes, it´s a game, but it´s the best game, so, if we can do the story more realistic, it could be better (at least for me  ;D).

An UFO Figther can transport six soldiers. This is a very efficient way to transport faster, longer and safe.

If the idea don´t like for the official game, how can i implement? I only need to put the UFO Figther on each map instead the Firebird, right?

The second matter, put the soldiers inside. How can i do this?

Third, the aircraft screen. It need a new graphic file to show it? Or i can use the research model?
« Last Edit: July 24, 2014, 11:40:18 pm by cevaralien »

Offline Noordung

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Re: Using the alien crafts
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2014, 02:25:14 pm »
ufo fighters cargo bay is actually ony for 4 soliders. ohter two aliens are pilot and copilot ;D and it doesnt offer much cover either.
besides most of ufos are flying bricks. they use a lot of antimater that humanity cant produce (i dont understand how such unstable thing just wont expolde in crashed ufos... 8) ) so we may not be able to afford ufos becouse of their high consumption of antimatter.
they may have comands that cant be used by humans, and human hybrid aircrafts may serve phalax better than ufos...
those are some reasons why (they can be put in game for better story). but real reson is that game looks more interesting when you use your own aircrafts.

Offline Flying Steel

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Re: Using the alien crafts
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2014, 04:38:40 pm »
This may be a hole in the storyline that was never covered.

With some difficulty due to mismatching ergonomics, your soldiers can all be cheaply outfitted with captured alien equipment. But intact UFOs cannot be used for interception or troop deployment even when they already contain enough anti-matter fuel for the job. I do not recall if there is an explanation for this discrepancy.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2014, 04:40:28 pm by Flying Steel »

Offline cevaralien

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Re: Using the alien crafts
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2014, 07:46:42 pm »
ufo fighters cargo bay is actually ony for 4 soliders. ohter two aliens are pilot and copilot ;D and it doesnt offer much cover either.
besides most of ufos are flying bricks. they use a lot of antimater that humanity cant produce (i dont understand how such unstable thing just wont expolde in crashed ufos... 8) ) so we may not be able to afford ufos becouse of their high consumption of antimatter.
they may have comands that cant be used by humans, and human hybrid aircrafts may serve phalax better than ufos...
those are some reasons why (they can be put in game for better story). but real reson is that game looks more interesting when you use your own aircrafts.

Well... the differences of techs it´s not the problem. In fact, alien detection and alien astrogation is needed for the construction of Dragon and the other alien-based craft. I think that the best approach to the "problem" is the "Independence Day" way. An alien craft modified to be flyable for humans. I prefer to mod the alien craft (using wings, for example) than build a newer one. Do you know how many people, tools and resources are needed for the consruction of an aircraft? Ok, you have an super advanced workshop, maybe with 3D printers, even with that, is not an easy enterprise with a group of 10 technicians for workshop. And that is only manufacture, but, what about the design? An earth-tech craft could take 10 or 20 years to design and test. How many time is needed to research and test an aircraft with alien techs and materials, almost impossible to replicate by humans?

Anyway, it´s a game. But i thing that for any "resistance" (just like Phalanx), the uses of captured material is the first thing that you will do, specially when the enemy is far away from your scientific capacities. I thing that using the captured UFO is the first step for catch up the aliens in air.  The second step, is mod the ufo to use human advanced tech from research of alien techs. For example, the hybrid missile, laser cannons, etc.

Maybe it could be designed a new human-alien craft, maybe the Stingray, from the experience of ufo usage and research.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2014, 07:49:13 pm by cevaralien »

Offline Flying Steel

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Re: Using the alien crafts
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2014, 03:07:00 am »
Do you know how many people, tools and resources are needed for the construction of an aircraft? Ok, you have an super advanced workshop, maybe with 3D printers, even with that, is not an easy enterprise with a group of 10 technicians for workshop. And that is only manufacture, but, what about the design? An earth-tech craft could take 10 or 20 years to design and test.

You are thinking in terms of today's reality but the game is set around the year 2085 or so. It is as far from today in time as the second world war.

So design and manufacturing tools and processes could be greatly different. Plus it is possible social changes have made the global population more capable in the realm of science and engineering. You could have hundreds of millions working on research and development sub-projects farmed out to the world by the team of scientists under your command.

Offline Noordung

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Re: Using the alien crafts
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2014, 07:59:11 am »
besides they use quantim computers for research 8)