General > Announcements

Recompile your maps (2.6 only)


I proudly announce that I found and fixed a handful of ancient bugs in the routing code.

The downside:
I had to bump the BSP version. You will have to recompile or DL all the maps. Atm I don't even know when the new maps will be produced by our standard procedures and be available for download.

The Upside:
These bugs were hidden, so fixing them does not fix any visible bugs, but it has positive sideeffects:
- the rerouting time for eg. mansion_huge went down from 22 to 14 seconds here.
- tracing across tiles on RMA maps will be faster

If you are interested in the details, look at bug # 5292 in our tracker.

... and after re-adding the improved 'speedup for stacked tiles', mansion_huge is even down to 10.0 secs :)

that's great news - good job

Thanks, Mattn :)

The new maps should meanwhile be built and available for download, btw.


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