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Author Topic: Smoake Grenades  (Read 4184 times)

Offline LordJeff

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Smoake Grenades
« on: February 20, 2014, 10:25:36 pm »
Is there a way to just drop a smoke grenade at your feet without lob/roll and it will pop smoke?

Offline ShipIt

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Re: Smoake Grenades
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2014, 10:44:14 pm »
Seems you cannot target yourself with a grenade. Might be worth a feature request in our tracker.

Offline jcjordan

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Re: Smoake Grenades
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2014, 11:19:29 pm »
In a sense you can, you just "drop" it in the space next to whoever has it but expect it to "roll" sometimes.

One thing I've noticed is that when I toss smoke grenades is that no smoke will be in a square if a character is in the area of effect a lot of the time. This may just be a visual error but program actually has smoke effect for the square but not sure about that.

Offline LordJeff

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Re: Smoake Grenades
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2014, 10:45:06 pm »
Smoke grenades are my new crack. I'd say its the most important weapon in your arsenal if you are just a starting out noob like me.

Offline hoiba

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Re: Smoake Grenades
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2014, 08:30:17 am »
To warm an old thread up:

Please correct me if I'm wrong... I remember this was possible in XCOM: Enemy Unknown by 'pulling the grenades safety pin' and then placing it on the ground in the inventory menu. Would be a 'nice to have' feature in UFO:AI, but not a necessity.

Yesterday I used smokes for the first time (playing UFO:AI for a week now) after I read how useful they are. Well, they surprisingly are! I don't like the 'pop smoke, scout out, scout in, fire blindly through the smoke at spotted enemies' tactics. But for creating additional cover during critical situations, they are a great win!