Making UFOs completely scriptlable is not trivial. However, I can imagine to add some "UFO Modder" to the hardcoded list(s).
Your best bet is to convince at least one dev why the game *needs* a second fighter.
For now, you can use the "UFO Ripper" which is in the lists but not used anywhere afaik.
But I must keep the name ripper

Well Ill try to convince them.
My idea is...humans are making more advanced fighters, 3 of them. I think aliens would compensate by upgunning their designs.
It was same in all wars. One side would add cannon to their craft, other side would respond. Lets take ME-109 and Spitfire as examples. Both planes were constantly changed and upgunned, their speed was increasing..etc.
I know this is a game with its limitations as such but I think we can make it more interesting, challenging and fun.
In reality there were numerous version of ME-109, I would like to make only 1 for this game, for the start. New more advanced, faster, upgunned and better armored UFO fighter, an answer to Dragon!
It would also be great that ufos are flying in formations and protecting other alien crafts.
I try to think from realistic point of view, thats why I modded all weapons in my game, some just a little, other alot.
This game is great but it can be even better