I read this thread and decide to write a little longer and better thought reply after I visit a grocery shop.
When I come back, this Visitor guy has pretty much already answered all the points I was about to raise - and probably in better grammar I could have achieved

I'm actually quite amazed that this post generated even this much discussion. Usually any sort of suggestions in game forums fall to deaf ears, because (as it reads in the contribute to project page) free games usually need actual work done rather than ideas.
Anyway, I'll still chime in a little bit.
I'm actually playing the 2.5dev version, and indeed this suggestion didn't stem from frustration to slow research or disassembling. In fact it came out as an idea that I thought would be something I would enjoy in a game like this.
At the moment of writing I'm probably quite late in the game, as I'm researching orbital ufo activity. At this point in the game two things encouraged me to write this suggestion about building upgrades.
1) When you create a new base, there are some "rock" areas. Now, one of my bases had annoying number of those. I don't, however, see these rock areas as a bad thing for the game, and I wouldn't want them removed. But if I did have some tools at my disposal to cope with these obstacles (by paying premium price for premium services... or facilities) I'm pretty sure I'd love that option to be there.
2) A fully built base becomes boring. When every square has been filled there is nothing left to do within that base. Visitor had a good point that game shouldn't devolve into base building sim either, but I'm sure thing could be kept simple enough. With some possibilities to tweak your base even after you've built it full would make interesting and meaningful choices a part of base building even during later stages of the game.
So... in a few words, I don't want easier or faster. I just want... more

Neither of those two points are great problems in the game, both can easily be lived with, but to my mind they certainly are areas that could be improved upon.
If the advanced facilities are being planned in some way or another, this building upgrade suggestion could open up a few possibilities there, too. For example, the advanced laboratory that was proposed would be required for some late game researches. Merge these two ideas and there you got a meaningful late game choice for laboratory building upgrade.
This post is starting to go beyond proper lengths, so I will continue some other time. I want to thank everyone for the comments and interest on this topic.