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Author Topic: Research confusion  (Read 4783 times)

Offline galanom

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Research confusion
« on: January 28, 2014, 04:09:10 am »
I've been playing this game a few days, and I have reached a deadlock in research.
I've read the research map, but I still can't find out the problem. I would appreciate any help.

* I have researched A. Origins, but game says A. Astrogation is still listed as unresearchable
* I have researched A. Materials, but game says A. Detection (and A. Propulsion) is still unresearchable.
* I have captured live aliens, I researched Universal Serum, but did not understand what to do with it. Many months have passed and nothing happened. How can I research my stored live aliens?
* I have researched some techs that they never appeared to do something. Eg, I researched "plasma and the grenade launcher" but nothing appeared on production. I have researched Alien Medium Armor, but nothing followed - ok chart also says that further research is "planned but not yet included" but mentions no game version.
* I have produced Base-Defence Laser Turret, but I cannot place it in a SAM site.

My version is 2.4, on Linux, and date is Sep 2084. I have not yet met the Shevaar race. I have disassembled many UFOs and collected A.Astrogation, A.Propulsion, A.Detection, Particle Beam Weapon, all are listed in my research list but none of them is allowed to be researched.

Thank you!

Offline DarkRain

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Re: Research confusion
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2014, 05:19:01 am »
Hmmmmm 2.4 is ancient at this point, you might want to try 2.5 (we are working the last details for release), that said...

* For the UFO parts you need to actually have one of those at the base you are doing the research
* Universal Serum is a dead end AFAIR, no actual interrogations are implemented
* There *are* plasma grenades for the launcher, doublecheck?, but Alien Medium Armour was a dead end in 2.4 AFAIR
* The Base-Defence Laser Turret is *not* for SAM sites, only in-base installations (new building should be available)
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 05:23:03 am by DarkRain »

Offline ShipIt

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Re: Research confusion
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2014, 06:26:19 am »
As DarkRain said, we strongly recommend playing 2.5-dev over 2.4.

If you want to stick to 2.4, share the save and I´ll take a look at it.

Offline galanom

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Re: Research confusion
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2014, 01:47:33 am »
Thank you guys for your fast response.
I downloaded the latest 2.5-dev branch with git, compiled and installed it, copied over the saved games and now:
* I can research for "The Alien Strategy", which in turn opens "Alien Electronic Warfare" which is not researchable.
* I can research for Encased Plasma Rounds
But nothing more.

When I researched "Universal Serum" I thought that I could now interrogate aliens. But I still can't figure out how. Ok, I have 10 of them in containment, now what? The only option is a button that kills them.
I do have A.Astrogation, A.Propulsion and A.Detection as items, they are on my research list. 2.4 was saying I need prerequisites (but not according the research chart) and 2.5 just says "N/A".

So, it is still a dead-end. I must ask however, is a 2.4 savegame playable correctly in 2.5? Or I should better start from the beginning?

Offline Grug

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Re: Research confusion
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2014, 03:04:08 am »
I must ask however, is a 2.4 savegame playable correctly in 2.5? Or I should better start from the beginning?
A 2.4 savegame is playable, but only marginally. Your solider's stats will be lower than that of a new recruit in 2.5 due to changes in how equipment and TU's are allocated. I don't know of any thing that might affect tech tree type stuff, but it would be far safer to start from scratch to avoid any bugs like that.

Offline DarkRain

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Re: Research confusion
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2014, 03:42:40 am »
Maybe I didn't express myself clearly enough so here it goes again, hopefully this time it will be clearer.

* The various UFO parts need to be present *at the same base doing the research* (at least one of each being researched), if that's already the case there might be a problem with the save
* As I said before, Universal Serum is currently a dead end, interrogations aren't implemented

As Grug says, you'll take a big hit ground combat (due to soldier stats) if you continue with existing saves, and if on top of that, your research problems turn out to be form a problem with the  savegame you might be better starting from the beginning