An additional idea of measuring your "speed" might be to mark every time unit spend on the last turn and your actual turn if it was done for moving to a new (not in this turn visited) field (crouching might only get the first 2 units marked). Your actual speed (== penalty for shoot and being hit) then is the sum over the marked time units, from the most actual one till the last of you actual maximal time units (your max speed). So you have a "moving window" over your TUs, to sum your actual speed.
For the "reaction fire" alternative of "dodging", every (or every other - if you want to penalize to moving) time unit is artificially marked as being used for moving to a new field. You keep your "speed" during the whole alien turn. Your reaction fire slow down is already incorporated as in this case you have time units left over that aren't marked as moving.
With that you become slower on TU penalty effects (instantly), because your maximal TUs drop, and therefore your moving window becomes smaller. Those effects should be added on severe wounds, gas etc. (I don't know exactly if this is the case already). Becoming slower by shooting or looking around, opening doors or crouching is more accurately modeled than in my easier approach in the post above. One is becoming faster when moving on also. Your actual weight (making you slower, decreasing your maximal TUs) is also working fine with this. You always have a valid value when you run into reaction fire.
You also get a penalty if you are move first, and shoot late so you have to plan your fire positions a turn before hand if you want maximal hit chance, and while you prepare for shooting, you might not want to break your concentration by reaction fire or dodging around.
You can "dodge" instead of reaction fire to spend the rest of your TUs for defense. And if you leave your guy just standing around... aiming, he becomes an easier target.
Edit: Spelling (partly)