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Author Topic: Aliens have bad memories and are deaf  (Read 5169 times)

Offline Eegxeta

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Aliens have bad memories and are deaf
« on: October 30, 2013, 04:01:50 pm »
I doing a mission on the map military convoy ambush and on the cliff area with campsite there was a bloodspider. I had some of my soldiers on the first hill giving them clear view of half the map and the bloodspider could see them and he would start heading over to the slope down but always turned around right before he got there after the second turn of him not seeing my soldiers. Now I've really started to notice that the aliens don't seem to remember where the soldiers where last if they haven't seen them on the turn before. It is a pretty bad flaw in the AI. There has been a few times where aliens have seen my soldiers, but then they move to where they can see them. They just wander off even though my soldiers are ether still there or are nearby. There was one game where the alien saw one of my guys but moved to where he couldn't see them then completely turned around and even though my guys where in the open and shooting at this alien he completely refused to turn around and kept chasing the civilians.

If the aliens and your soldiers could hear the general direction a shot came from if they can't see the shooter that would be a excellent and really useful feature. It would save civilians.

Offline Sandro

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Re: Aliens have bad memories and are deaf
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2014, 09:34:06 am »
Aliens always know where you are, and trying to avoid becoming targets at the of the turn. That is is the reason why they  do not do the Zerg Rush.

It would save civilians.

Aliens' plans is NOT to save the civilians.

Offline Eegxeta

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Re: Aliens have bad memories and are deaf
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2014, 03:39:57 am »
Are you sure the aliens always know where your guys are because they always seem like they are wandering aimlessly till they find something to aim at.

What I meant by save civilians is the alien would not shoot at the civilian because he can hear that he is being shot at and will turn to address the shooter rather than attack the harmless civilian.

Offline DarkRain

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Re: Aliens have bad memories and are deaf
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2014, 05:39:39 pm »
Yes, the AI always knows where everything is, without fail, BUT it can't plan ahead, at all, so if it can't move and shoot a target in the same turn, its behaviour becomes erratic at best. Sure they try to end their turn hidden but that is defined as 'not seen by the enemy' (I've seen them hide directly behind my soldiers :D ) if they can't be seen and can't shoot in that turn they just wander around randomly
« Last Edit: January 22, 2014, 05:43:06 pm by DarkRain »

Offline Eegxeta

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Re: Aliens have bad memories and are deaf
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2014, 07:36:56 pm »
Well the thing is I think that if you are shooting at the alien he should react and shoot back instead of going after the civilian. Which is the whole reason I made this topic in the first place.

Offline DarkRain

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Re: Aliens have bad memories and are deaf
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2014, 10:02:32 pm »
Well that's the other thing with the AI: it always goes for the easiest kill, and that tends to be the civilians...

I must say I'd like to have a very close look at the AI after 2.5 goes out

Offline Eegxeta

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Re: Aliens have bad memories and are deaf
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2014, 05:34:20 pm »
That doesn't make sense though because the aliens always shoot at soldier 8 no matter what so I put a really tough guy there and they still shoot at him if they have a "clear" shot. I once had a soldier who was hurt standing next to a alien but he could shoot at #8 so he did.

Anyway even if it wasn't like that firing at the civilian got him killed because he wasted so many turn chasing him down. It would make more sense if the alien would attack your soldiers over civilians because the soldiers are a threat and dealing with the threat first is only logical.

Offline DarkRain

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Re: Aliens have bad memories and are deaf
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2014, 04:09:52 am »
That doesn't make sense though because the aliens always shoot at soldier 8 no matter what so I put a really tough guy there and they still shoot at him if they have a "clear" shot. I once had a soldier who was hurt standing next to a alien but he could shoot at #8 so he did.
That must be a bug...

It would make more sense if the alien would attack your soldiers over civilians because the soldiers are a threat and dealing with the threat first is only logical.
Indeed, but that's a not-for-2.5 thing (as any other major changes) so I'd like to see that one out first...