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Author Topic: Weapon Mod for 2.5 dev  (Read 37381 times)

Offline titoyo72

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Re: Weapon Mod for 2.5 dev
« Reply #30 on: November 12, 2014, 07:53:04 pm »
if not too much bother Might change this assault rifle m45 for the same you did with the first command you through a saludo.prefiero change this by assalto rifle.

Offline titoyo72

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Re: Weapon Mod for 2.5 dev
« Reply #31 on: November 12, 2014, 10:06:16 pm »
This is the best that I stay the mhk5 if you can change it by assault rifle, thank you very much friend will try next to make armor, greetings. ;) ;)

Offline titoyo72

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Re: Weapon Mod for 2.5 dev
« Reply #32 on: November 13, 2014, 02:23:19 am »
so sorry to bother you, I command these three weapons if you can change all the assault rifle, I'll go after the changing, thanks again and sorry for the inconvenience greetings friend. :-[ :-[ ;)

Offline titoyo72

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Re: Weapon Mod for 2.5 dev
« Reply #33 on: November 13, 2014, 03:09:44 pm »

Offline Noordung

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Re: Weapon Mod for 2.5 dev
« Reply #34 on: November 13, 2014, 05:01:52 pm »
added the last tt model as the m5 machingun (uses the machine gun ammo) to the mod. By the way weapons in ufo cant use dual ammo types at the same time so you'd have to reload the weapon to swap between grenades and bullets losing any unspent rounds in the process so the 2 model 44 would only be cosmetic (or very wasteful of ammo)
if there would be special one granade ammo lighter and chepaer than 6 ammo packs for granade launcer. it would be more realistic since those granade launcers attached to raifles are one ammo granade launcers. it would be really nice if we would have that kind of weapon in game. but not as m4 but something else.
also would it be possible to use knife/bayonet on rifle? that plasma knife you can research later to be used on some sort of coil assault rifle of human origin? i know someone said we have enough weapons but coil assault rifle with coul granada launcehr could be very interesting weapon. someting like more accurate than assault rifle we have now, stronger but with lower fire rate.

Offline titoyo72

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Re: Weapon Mod for 2.5 dev
« Reply #35 on: November 13, 2014, 06:09:34 pm »
I thought this very moment another rifle more control to change by the assault thk ;)

Offline titoyo72

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Re: Weapon Mod for 2.5 dev
« Reply #36 on: November 13, 2014, 07:47:33 pm »
hello friend, I send my latest model of weapon, if you can change the assault rifle, thank you very much.

Offline AntJam

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Re: Weapon Mod for 2.5 dev
« Reply #37 on: November 14, 2014, 01:13:13 pm »
if there would be special one granade ammo lighter and chepaer than 6 ammo packs for granade launcer. it would be more realistic since those granade launcers attached to raifles are one ammo granade launcers. it would be really nice if we would have that kind of weapon in game. but not as m4 but something else.
also would it be possible to use knife/bayonet on rifle? that plasma knife you can research later to be used on some sort of coil assault rifle of human origin? i know someone said we have enough weapons but coil assault rifle with coul granada launcehr could be very interesting weapon. someting like more accurate than assault rifle we have now, stronger but with lower fire rate.

At the moment the closest we can come to a bayonet is just to have a knife in the holster and to swap it into your off hand to use then replace in the holster (similar to what most people do with the medikit) to continue firing, a one handed, single shot grenade launcher could provide the same functionality with frag,smoke and plasma grenade ammo and of course it could be used as a standalone weapon not as satisfying as an integrated solution but certainly easily doable.

Coil assault gun sounds good maybe with 2 round burst fire mode

Since the fire modes are definined by the ammunition the only realistic way to get radically different fire modes is on energy based weapons as seen in the plasma blaster that has ball and burst modes (or my own plasma thrower in this mod). Of course you can have a grenade mode on a standard rifle mag but using 10 bullets to fire 1 grenade just doesnt feel right.

Offline titoyo72

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Re: Weapon Mod for 2.5 dev
« Reply #38 on: November 14, 2014, 01:57:49 pm »
hello friend, you can change the assault rifle for the latest model TR15 command you thanks. ;)

Offline AntJam

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Re: Weapon Mod for 2.5 dev
« Reply #39 on: November 18, 2014, 12:22:27 pm »
titoyo72 I've been super busy last 4 days also hit a slight snag but I already have that sorted...still be a few more days though sorry for the delay

Offline titoyo72

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Re: Weapon Mod for 2.5 dev
« Reply #40 on: November 18, 2014, 12:38:05 pm »
there is no problem friend when you can thank you very much friend.

Offline titoyo72

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Re: Weapon Mod for 2.5 dev
« Reply #41 on: November 18, 2014, 01:08:49 pm »

Offline AntJam

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Re: Weapon Mod for 2.5 dev
« Reply #42 on: November 19, 2014, 11:52:44 pm »
Added the m45,scar and tr15. Had to also add 2 new mags for the scar and tr15 as there is a hard coded limit of 4 weapon types per magazine (or 4 magazine types per weapon).
This brings the total of included items to 7 which is the max number of items that can be added.
I believe that the limit was raised to 9 but I dont know when and what versions have this new max (or what version you are using) and the game will crash if its exceeded so for saftey sake I'm not including any more.

Offline titoyo72

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Re: Weapon Mod for 2.5 dev
« Reply #43 on: November 20, 2014, 12:33:13 pm »
thk my friend

Offline cannonfodder558

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Weapon Mod used with 2.5 (stable)
« Reply #44 on: February 05, 2015, 07:59:58 am »

I can't find the advanced laser weaponry / plasma thrower in research. Could somebody please tell me where to find it/ what the prerequesites are?

I use the mod in v2.5 (stable). The .web455 Revolver is there, and the microrockets can be researched.

Thanks a Lot in advance.

Kind regards,