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Author Topic: Plasma weapons cauterize wounds  (Read 3161 times)

Offline Eegxeta

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Plasma weapons cauterize wounds
« on: September 29, 2013, 03:37:25 am »
At its core plasma weapons deal damage like a flamethrower or any other incendiary device; all damage is inflicted through extreme heat, but as soon as the heat is off it doesn't do any more damage. Since any wound that a plasma weapon makes would be cauterized there wouldn't be any immediate bleeding if any. With plasma weapons it doesn't make sense that if you get hit in the arms or legs that it could kill you. If a soldier or civilian is the unlucky winner of a lethal plasma bolt, but it hits them in the arms or legs they should instead be knocked unconscious or stunned. Their endurance will determine how long they can hang on before they go into shock and die. Anyone you manage to heal in time wouldn't be getting up anytime soon but they won't die ether. It would be nice to have some chance of saving the civilians that wind up in the wrong place at the wrong time.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 02:02:42 am by Eegxeta »

Offline TallTroll

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Re: Plasma weapons cauterize wounds
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2013, 01:59:58 pm »
>> Since any wound that a plasma weapon makes would be cauterized there wouldn't be any immediate bleeding if any.

If it bothers you, assume that plasma "bleeding" is encroaching shock. The medkit stops that as well. The aliens don't always use plasma weapons anyway...

>> It would be nice to have some chance of saving the civilians that wind up in the wrong place at the wrong time.

You save them by shooting the things shooting at them. I don't think civilians have enough hit points to survive any hit at all, even theoretically. I certainly don't remember ever seeing one survive a hit.

Offline Eegxeta

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Re: Plasma weapons cauterize wounds
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2013, 04:27:02 pm »
You save them by shooting the things shooting at them. I don't think civilians have enough hit points to survive any hit at all, even theoretically. I certainly don't remember ever seeing one survive a hit.

Well said that when it comes to a lethal hit if it hits a non-vital area like the arms and legs it won't kill them right away. There is just sometimes where there is just nothing you can do the alien saw the civilian first. I really hate that when my guys are right there and there is nothing I could have done. Anyway this could apply to all weapons and it would add a nice little quirk to the game. It could be implemented by simply making it so only so much of your maximum health can be taken through damage to limbs. The hit system is in place so hardest part is already done.