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Author Topic: Crash in full campaign game  (Read 3753 times)

Offline debalde

  • Cannon Fodder
  • **
  • Posts: 7
    • View Profile
Crash in full campaign game
« on: August 15, 2013, 03:03:03 pm »
When starting a full campaign game the system crash after the introduction. Program shut down and "program has encounter a problem and needs to close" message appears in screen. This bug happens every time I tried to start a full campaign game using 2 different versions of UFO 2.5, both downloaded in August (one on 6th and one on 8th). I am running windows XP sp3 in a AMD athlon 64 x2 5000+ with 2 Gb of RAM and a ATI radeon Xpress 1150. The log file of the crash using both versions of UFo is similar, here is the last one:

2013/08/09 22:21:11 ----- network initialization -------
2013/08/09 22:21:11 libcurl/7.31.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1e zlib/1.2.8 libidn/1.28 libssh2/1.4.3 initialized.
2013/08/09 22:21:11 ------ server initialization -------
2013/08/09 22:21:12 added 11 maps to the mapcycle
2013/08/09 22:21:12 ----- console initialization -------
2013/08/09 22:21:12 Console initialized.
2013/08/09 22:21:12 ------- video initialization -------
2013/08/09 22:21:12 SDL version: 2.0.0
2013/08/09 22:21:12 I: setting mode -1
2013/08/09 22:21:12 I: set multisample buffers to 0
2013/08/09 22:21:12 I: set swap control to 0 2013/08/09
22:21:12 available driver: windows
2013/08/09 22:21:12 available driver: dummy
2013/08/09 22:21:12 current desktop mode: 1920x1080@60Hz (SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888)
2013/08/09 22:21:12 driver: windows
2013/08/09 22:21:12 found 1 display(s)
2013/08/09 22:21:12 I: 1024x768 (fullscreen: yes)
2013/08/09 22:21:12 I: got 8 bits of stencil
2013/08/09 22:21:12 I: got 24 bits of depth buffer
2013/08/09 22:21:12 I: got double buffer
2013/08/09 22:21:12 I: got 8 bits for red
2013/08/09 22:21:12 I: got 8 bits for green
2013/08/09 22:21:12 I: got 8 bits for blue
2013/08/09 22:21:12 I: got 8 bits for alpha
2013/08/09 22:21:12 I: got 0 multisample buffers GL_VENDOR: ATI Technologies Inc.
2013/08/09 22:21:12 GL_RENDERER: RADEON XPRESS Series x86/MMX/3DNow!/SSE2
2013/08/09 22:21:12 GL_VERSION: 2.0.6119 WinXP Release
2013/08/09 22:21:12 GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_multitexture GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_S3_s3tc GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_shadow_ambient GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_blend GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_envmap_bumpmap GL_ATI_fragment_shader GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_ATI_vertex_streams GL_ATIX_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATIX_texture_env_route GL_ATIX_vertex_shader_output_point_size GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texgen_reflection GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_vertex_shader GL_HP_occlusion_test GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_occlusion_query GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_SGI_color_matrix GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_multitexture GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_extensions_string WGL_EXT_swap_control
2013/08/09 22:21:12 OpenGL version detected: 2.0
2013/08/09 22:21:12 found GL_ARB_multitexture
2013/08/09 22:21:12 found GL_ARB_texture_compression
2013/08/09 22:21:12 GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two not found
2013/08/09 22:21:12 found GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
2013/08/09 22:21:12 found GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
2013/08/09 22:21:12 found GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
2013/08/09 22:21:12 using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object max vertex buffer size: 2147483647
2013/08/09 22:21:12 found GL_ARB_fragment_shader
2013/08/09 22:21:12 found GL_ARB_shading_language_100
2013/08/09 22:21:12 GLSL version guaranteed to be supported by OpenGL implementation postfixed by vender supplied info: 1.10
2013/08/09 22:21:12 found GL_###_framebuffer_object
2013/08/09 22:21:12 glRenderbufferStorageMultisample### not found
2013/08/09 22:21:12 using GL_ARB_framebuffer_object
2013/08/09 22:21:12 max draw buffers: 4
2013/08/09 22:21:12 max render buffer size: 2048
2013/08/09 22:21:12 max color attachments: 4
2013/08/09 22:21:12 found GL_###_draw_buffers
2013/08/09 22:21:12 using GL_ARB_draw_buffers
2013/08/09 22:21:12 max supported vertex texture units: 0
2013/08/09 22:21:12 max supported lights: 8
2013/08/09 22:21:12 max texture units: 8
2013/08/09 22:21:12 max texture coords: 8
2013/08/09 22:21:12 max vertex attributes: 32
2013/08/09 22:21:12 max varying floats: 44
2013/08/09 22:21:12 max fragment uniform components: 4096
2013/08/09 22:21:12 max vertex uniform components: 4096
2013/08/09 22:21:12 max texture size: detected 2048
2013/08/09 22:21:12 Using low resolution globe textures as requested. R_LoadShader: world_low_vs.glsl:
2013/08/09 22:21:12 R_LoadShader: world_low_fs.glsl: WARNING: 0:30: extension 'GL_ARB_draw_buffers' is not supported
2013/08/09 22:21:12 R_LoadProgram: 'world_low' loaded. R_LoadShader: model_low_vs.glsl:
2013/08/09 22:21:12 R_LoadShader: model_low_fs.glsl: WARNING: 0:30: extension 'GL_ARB_draw_buffers' is not supported
2013/08/09 22:21:12 R_LoadProgram: 'model_low' loaded. R_LoadShader: warp_vs.glsl:
2013/08/09 22:21:12 R_LoadShader: warp_fs.glsl: WARNING: 0:30: extension 'GL_ARB_draw_buffers' is not supported
2013/08/09 22:21:12 R_LoadProgram: 'warp' loaded. R_LoadShader: geoscape_vs.glsl:
2013/08/09 22:21:12 R_LoadShader: geoscape_fs.glsl: WARNING: 0:30: extension 'GL_ARB_draw_buffers' is not supported
2013/08/09 22:21:12 R_LoadProgram: 'geoscape' loaded. R_LoadShader: combine2_vs.glsl: R_LoadShader: combine2_fs.glsl:
2013/08/09 22:21:12 R_LoadProgram: 'combine2' loaded. R_LoadShader: convolve3_vs.glsl: R_LoadShader: convolve3_fs.glsl:
2013/08/09 22:21:12 R_LoadProgram: 'convolve3' loaded. R_LoadShader: atmosphere_vs.glsl:
2013/08/09 22:21:12 R_LoadShader: atmosphere_fs.glsl: WARNING: 0:34: extension 'GL_ARB_draw_buffers' is not supported
2013/08/09 22:21:12 R_LoadProgram: 'atmosphere' loaded. R_LoadShader: simple_glow_vs.glsl:
2013/08/09 22:21:12 R_LoadShader: simple_glow_fs.glsl: WARNING: 0:31: extension 'GL_ARB_draw_buffers' is not supported
2013/08/09 22:21:12 R_LoadProgram: 'simple_glow' loaded.
2013/08/09 22:21:13 SDL_ttf version 2.0.12 - we need at least 2.0.7
2013/08/09 22:21:14 ------- sound initialization -------
2013/08/09 22:21:14 SDL_mixer version: 2.0.0
2013/08/09 22:21:14 ... requested audio rate: 44100
2013/08/09 22:21:14 ... available audio driver directsound
2013/08/09 22:21:14 ... available audio driver winmm
2013/08/09 22:21:14 ... available audio driver disk
2013/08/09 22:21:14 ... available audio driver dummy
2013/08/09 22:21:14 ... actual audio driver: directsound
2013/08/09 22:21:14 ... audio rate: 44100
2013/08/09 22:21:14 ... audio channels: 2
2013/08/09 22:21:14 ... loaded ogg vorbis support
2013/08/09 22:21:14 ------- input initialization -------
2013/08/09 22:21:14 0 possible joysticks
2013/08/09 22:21:14 no joystick found.
2013/08/09 22:21:14 Allocate 3 megabytes for the ui hunk
2013/08/09 22:21:14 ----------- parse scripts ----------
2013/08/09 22:21:14 57 script files
2013/08/09 22:21:15 54 ui script files
2013/08/09 22:21:20 Shared Client/Server Info loaded
2013/08/09 22:21:20 ...121 items parsed
2013/08/09 22:21:20 ... 32 damage types parsed
2013/08/09 22:21:20 ... 32 equipment definitions parsed
2013/08/09 22:21:20 ... 10 inventory definitions parsed
2013/08/09 22:21:20 ... 25 team definitions parsed
2013/08/09 22:21:20 executing keys.cfg
2013/08/09 22:21:20 UI_SetKeyBinding: node "" not found.
2013/08/09 22:21:20 Music: track changed from PsymongN3 to van_theme.
2013/08/09 22:21:40 79 static models loaded
2013/08/09 22:21:40 CL_LanguageInit: language settings are stored in configuration: en
2013/08/09 22:21:40 SDL_ttf version 2.0.12 - we need at least 2.0.7
2013/08/09 22:21:40 ...registering 13 fonts
2013/08/09 22:21:40 ----------- parse msgids -----------
2013/08/09 22:21:40 18 msgid files
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for drop_firebird_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for drop_herakles_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for drop_herakles_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for drop_raptor_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for drop_raptor_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for inter_stiletto_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for inter_saracen_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for inter_dragon_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for inter_dragon_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for inter_starchaser_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for inter_starchaser_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for inter_stingray_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for inter_stingray_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for ufo_scout_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for ufo_scout_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for ufo_fighter_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for ufo_fighter_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for ufo_supply_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for ufo_supply_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for ufo_carrier_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for ufo_bomber_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for ufo_bomber_pre_txt
 2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for ufo_corrupter_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for ufo_corrupter_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for ufo_gunboat_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for ufo_gunboat_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for ufo_ripper_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for ufo_harvester_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for ufo_harvester_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for ufo_mothership_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_electronics_ew_alien_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_electronics_ew_alien_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_shield_light_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_shield_plating_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_shield_plating_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_shield_polymer_alien_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_shield_polymer_alien_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_alien_astrogation_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_alien_astrogation_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_alien_propulsion_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_alien_propulsion_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_alien_propulsion_adv_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_alien_propulsion_adv_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_alien_detection_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_alien_detection_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_weapon_alc_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_weapon_alc_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_weapon_shiva_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_ammo_shiva_1_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_ammo_shiva_2_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_weapon_sparrowhawk_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_ammo_sparrowhawk_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_weapon_tr20_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_ammo_tr20_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_weapon_particle_beam_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_weapon_particle_beam_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_weapon_alien_launcher_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_weapon_alien_launcher_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for alien_antimatter_missile_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for alien_antimatter_missile_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_ammo_hybrid_missile_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_ammo_hybrid_missile_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_electronics_targeting_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for craft_electronics_fuelpod_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for bloodspider_notes_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for bloodspider_autopsy_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for bloodspider_autopsy_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for bloodspider_adv_autopsy_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for bloodspider_adv_autopsy_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for ortnok_autopsy_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for ortnok_autopsy_extra_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for ortnok_autopsy_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for ortnok_autopsy_extra_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for taman_autopsy_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for taman_autopsy_extra_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for taman_autopsy_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for taman_autopsy_extra_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for shevaar_autopsy_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for shevaar_autopsy_extra_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for shevaar_autopsy_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for shevaar_autopsy_extra_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for hovernet_autopsy_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for hovernet_autopsy_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for hovernet_adv_autopsy_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for hovernet_adv_autopsy_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for combat_armour_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for nano_armour_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for nano_armour_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for power_armour_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for power_armour_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for alien_body_armour_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for alien_body_armour_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for alien_medium_armour_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for alien_medium_armour_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for b_baselaser_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for b_baselaser_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for b_aliencontainment_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for b_command_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for b_entrance_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for b_missile_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for b_large_hangar_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for b_hospital_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for b_small_hangar_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for b_lab_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for b_powerplant_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for b_quarters_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for b_radar_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for b_radar_adv_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for b_storage_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for b_workshop_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for b_antimatter_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for veryhard_campaign_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for hard_campaign_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for standard_campaign_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for easy_campaign_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for veryeasy_campaign_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for intro_sentence1
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for intro_sentence2
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for intro_sentence3
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for intro_sentence4
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for intro_sentence5
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for intro_sentence6
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for intro_sentence7
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for intro_sentence8
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for campaignwin
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for concept_research_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for concept_production_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for concept_interception_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for concept_disassembly_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for concept_nation_happiness_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for concept_time_units_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for concept_reaction_fire_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for concept_weight_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for concept_wounds_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for concept_equipment_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for installation_radar_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for installation_ufo_yard_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for installation_sam_site_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for irc_motd
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for mail_prolog
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for mail_stunned_alien_died
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for mail_ufocarrier
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for mission_briefing_default
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for victory_condition_default
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for mission_briefing_fueldump
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for victory_condition_fueldump
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for mission_briefing_alienbase
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for victory_condition_alienbase
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for mission_briefing_crashsite
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for mission_briefing_baseattack
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for news_initial_political_situation_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for news_after_the_war_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for news_new_twist_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for skill_accuracy_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for skill_assault_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for skill_close_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for skill_explosive_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for skill_mind_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for skill_power_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for skill_sniper_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for skill_speed_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for antimatter_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for antimatter_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for alien_live_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for alien_live_pre_txt

Offline debalde

  • Cannon Fodder
  • **
  • Posts: 7
    • View Profile
Re: Crash in full campaign game
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2013, 03:04:48 pm »
Second part of UFO log file:

2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for alien_breathing_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for alien_breathing_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for alien_mind_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for alien_mind_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for alien_odd_behaviour_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for alien_odd_behaviour_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for alien_communication_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for alien_communication_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for alien_base_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for universal_serum_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for universal_serum_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for alien_origins_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for alien_origins_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for alien_theory_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for alien_theory_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for alien_materials_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for alien_materials_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for enemy_on_earth_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for enemy_on_earth_pre_txt    
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for xvi_census_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for xvi_census_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for alien_strategy_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for alien_strategy_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for orbital_ufo_activity_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for orbital_ufo_activity_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for alien_psi_device_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for alien_psi_device_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for human_vaccine_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for human_vaccine_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for tip_build_ufo_yard_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for tip_capture_live_alien_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for tip_samsitearm_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for ugv_phoenix_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for ugv_ares_w_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for ugv_chaingun_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for ugv_chaingun_belt_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for ugv_weapon_autocannon_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for ugv_weapon_autocannon_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for laser_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for laser_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for pistol_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for pistol_mag_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for pistol2_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for pistol2_mag_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for vhs_assault_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for assault_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for assault_mag_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for machinegun_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for machinegun_mag_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for rpg_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for rpg_ammo_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for rpg_incendiary_ammo_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for rpg_hybrid_ammo_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for rpg_hybrid_ammo_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for xaw95_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for bombkit1_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for chaingun_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for shotgun_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for bolterrifle_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for bolterrifle_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for bolterrifle_am_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for bolterrifle_am_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for combatknife_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for monoknife_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for monoknife_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for flamer_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for flamer_mag_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for flashbang_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for fraggren_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for incgren_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for grenl_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for grenl_ammo_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for grenl_fle_ammo_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for grenl_incendiary_ammo_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for grenl_plasma_ammo_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for grenl_plasma_ammo_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for irgoggles_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for kerrblade_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for kerrblade_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for laserpistol_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for laserpistol_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for laserrifle_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for laserrifle_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for heavylaser_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for heavylaser_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for electrolaser_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for electrolaser_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for laser_ammo_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for laser_ammo_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for medikit_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for plasatomizer_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for plasatomizer_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for plasblaster_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for plasblaster_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for plasblade_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for plasblade_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for plasmagren_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for plasmagren_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for plasrifle_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for plasrifle_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for encased_plasma_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for encased_plasma_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for needlergun_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for needlergun_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for needlerheavy_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for needlerheavy_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for coilgun_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for coilgun_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for shotgun2_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for shotgun2_slug_ammo_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for shotgun_micro_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for shotgun_micro_ammo_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for smg_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for smg_mag_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for smokegren_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for sniper_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for sniper_mag_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for stungren_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for stungren_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for stunrod_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for stunrod_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for pbeampistol_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for pbeampistol_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for pbeamcannon_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for pbeamcannon_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for pbeamrifle_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for pbeamrifle_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for pbeamammo_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 no translation for pbeamammo_pre_txt
2013/08/09 22:21:40 ----------- game modes -------------
2013/08/09 22:21:40 added _Multiplayer
2013/08/09 22:21:40 added _Full Campaign
2013/08/09 22:21:40 added _Simple Campaign
2013/08/09 22:21:40 added _Skirmish
2013/08/09 22:21:40 added 4 game modes
2013/08/09 22:21:40 ====== UFO Initialized ======
2013/08/09 22:21:40 =============================
2013/08/09 22:21:40 Priority changed to NORMAL
2013/08/09 22:21:40 Found 2 processors
2013/08/09 22:21:40 Use all cores 2013/08/09
22:21:40 Switch grab input off 2
013/08/09 22:21:43 Change gametype to 'Campaign mode'
2013/08/09 22:21:43 --- save subsystem initialization --
2013/08/09 22:21:43 added campaign subsystem
2013/08/09 22:21:43 added research subsystem
2013/08/09 22:21:43 added base subsystem
2013/08/09 22:21:43 added hospital subsystem
2013/08/09 22:21:43 added market subsystem
2013/08/09 22:21:43 added employee subsystem
2013/08/09 22:21:43 added aliencont subsystem 2013/08/09
22:21:43 added aircraft subsystem
2013/08/09 22:21:43 added alien base subsystem
2013/08/09 22:21:43 added interest subsystem
2013/08/09 22:21:43 added installation subsystem
2013/08/09 22:21:43 added mission subsystem
2013/08/09 22:21:43 added ufostores subsystem
2013/08/09 22:21:43 added production subsystem
2013/08/09 22:21:43 added messagesystem subsystem
2013/08/09 22:21:43 added stats subsystem
2013/08/09 22:21:43 added nations subsystem
2013/08/09 22:21:43 added transfer subsystem
2013/08/09 22:21:43 added xvirate subsystem
2013/08/09 22:21:43 added messageoptions subsystem
2013/08/09 22:21:43 added triggerevents subsystem
2013/08/09 22:21:43 Campaign data loaded - size 912296 bytes
2013/08/09 22:21:43 ...techs: 230
2013/08/09 22:21:43 ...buildings: 16
2013/08/09 22:21:43 ...ranks: 16
2013/08/09 22:21:43 ...nations: 8
2013/08/09 22:21:43 ...cities: 456
2013/08/09 22:21:43
2013/08/09 22:21:45 Sanity check for script data
2013/08/09 22:21:45 ...buildings ok
2013/08/09 22:21:45 ok
2013/08/09 22:21:45 ...aircraft ok
2013/08/09 22:21:45 ...items ok
2013/08/09 22:21:45 ...nations ok
2013/08/09 22:21:45 Music: track changed from van_theme to Crystan-Geosphere04.

Offline DarkRain

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Re: Crash in full campaign game
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2013, 06:22:03 pm »
... ...

... You know you can *attach* files to your post (and bug reports btw), right?

Offline debalde

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Re: Crash in full campaign game
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2013, 06:36:05 pm »
Sorry, I don't know that. would you mind to tell me how?

Offline DarkRain

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Re: Crash in full campaign game
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2013, 07:40:10 pm »
Ok, see the attachments: for the tracker the option is at the top left *after* the report has been created, for the forum the option is right below the text area.

Now, back to topic: the end of your log seems to be cut out, you might need to start the game with the option +logfile 2 (you can add it to the shortcut), also try to find the crashdump.txt file (located in the same place the game is installed IIRC) and attach it please.

Offline debalde

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Re: Crash in full campaign game
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2013, 10:09:56 pm »

thanks a lot for the explanation. After running with the option +logfile 2 I get exactly the same report and cut at the same point, I also can't find the file crashdump.txt. However I have also run the program with the option +set developer 1 and I got the attached file (I hope this time I do in the right way  :) )