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Author Topic: 2.5 dev combat  (Read 19832 times)

Offline ShipIt

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Re: 2.5 dev combat
« Reply #30 on: November 10, 2012, 08:02:15 am »
Minor opinion here: Bleeding soldiers need to stabilise after the last alien is killed.

I just lost my best sniper because someone reaction killed the last alien when I'd only gotten one of the two wounds healed.

You could make a feature request on SF, so DarkRain can take a look and maybe change it.

Offline Anarch Cassius

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Re: 2.5 dev combat
« Reply #31 on: November 10, 2012, 09:35:42 am »
I've never lost one in the transport. They auto-stabilize after battle and just don't heal til they reach Hospital from what I've seen.

Hmm, you killed an Alien by reaction fire and your guy died on the field right?

What I'm confused on is what even happened... if the alien was killed by reaction fire then you'd already ended your turn and your character was due to take more damage anyway, if the alien had still been alive your character would logically have died at the begining of the next round.

In fact that would still be what happened, the round just ended immediately because you'd won, if I follow this at all.

Basically I'm having trouble seeing a situation in which your medics weren't technically already too late. If they were and you just think the quiet bought by RF killing the last alien should have saved him, okay cool.

On the other hand if the alien dying out of turn someone prevented normal end of game bandage and he died in flight well that's completely different and a lot buggier.

Offline Telok

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Re: 2.5 dev combat
« Reply #32 on: November 10, 2012, 10:26:01 am »
What I'm confused on is what even happened... if the alien was killed by reaction fire then you'd already ended your turn and your character was due to take more damage anyway, if the alien had still been alive your character would logically have died at the begining of the next round.

Soldiers with 40+ health don't die from one round of bleeding.

The wounded soldier had been healed once already but still had a bleeding marker on him.
During the alien's turn one of my soldiers killed the last alien with reaction fire.
The end of battle report listed no soldiers killed, but only seven soldiers surviving.
When the dropship returned to base I had seven soldiers at full health and was missing the wounded soldier (but I kept his gear).

Is that a bit more descriptive and understandable?
And yeah, I'll feature request it.

Offline Anarch Cassius

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Re: 2.5 dev combat
« Reply #33 on: November 10, 2012, 10:13:58 pm »
Okay, weird. It sounds like it did somehow not bandage on game end.

See,  I've done this the opposite way and saved a soldier who medics couldn't reach by ending the round so I'm pretty sure you don't need to bandage before the map ends... or you aren't suppoed to need to.

Yeah and bleeding doesn't count as a kill for the other side. This is consistent for aliens too.

Offline vuser

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Re: 2.5 dev combat
« Reply #34 on: March 16, 2013, 08:59:19 am »
I divide my soldiers in 3 categories (as loadout and role, not as squads)
1. The beginners. They get the best armor, and are in the front rows.
2. Experienced soldiers. They have no armor at all, to benefit from increased time units, and carry laser, plasma, or enhanced assault rifles. They end their turns behind solders of type 1.
3. The best of the best of the best. They begin to wear armor again, and have a wide variety of loadouts. They travel with the group, but have special roles, like flanking, etc.