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Author Topic: Soldiers should be able to self-heal  (Read 4587 times)

Offline Noordung

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Soldiers should be able to self-heal
« on: January 22, 2013, 10:29:32 pm »
So we are in year of 2084... well i heard there are some kind of sprays used to stop bleeding in existnace even today. So it would be nice if every solider could stop his own bleeding. Im sure you can reach any spot of your body with your arms.

Offline DarkRain

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Re: Soldiers should be able to self-heal
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2013, 11:20:07 pm »
Ok, OK, I remember that I wanted to post in the thread about self-healing -- but geever closed it before I got to it.

So here is it:
No body is considering the technical issues: firing a weapon at yourself is not supported, medikit works as a weapon --> no self healing.

Offline kurja

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Re: Soldiers should be able to self-heal
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2013, 08:22:34 am »
Darkrain, yours is a much better response than "I don't like it so I forbid discussing it" ;)

Offline Noordung

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Re: Soldiers should be able to self-heal
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2013, 01:47:21 pm »
No, not self healing, but self bleeding stoping. ;)
Now i get it. Madikits are classified as weapons and you cant use weapons on self.

So whenever solider is hit he well bleed and even if its just a scratch he will eventualy die? So all soliders have hemophilia?
And armours should mostly prevent geting wounds. Just demage, or if armour gets penetrated than wound.

And just a quick question? How do armours work? If it says protection 10 that means 10% or simply demage is reduced 10? in any case with that demage by weapons dont thing armours are useful anyway.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2013, 02:14:56 pm by Noordung »

Offline vuser

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Re: Soldiers should be able to self-heal
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2013, 12:14:51 am »
So whenever solider is hit he well bleed and even if its just a scratch he will eventualy die? So all soliders have hemophilia?

Read the ufopaedia articles for even the weakest alien weapons, and you'll see how horrifyingly large wounds they can cause even for a glancing hit.

Offline korda

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Re: Soldiers should be able to self-heal
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2013, 10:29:25 am »
I  can't really understand how alien plasma weaponry can cause bleeding...

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Re: Soldiers should be able to self-heal
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2013, 03:28:42 pm »
I'd have to agree that now every kind of hit, including one with weaponry creating extensive burns causes bleeding, basically forcing every second soldier to have medikit. Hardly much of a horrible thing most often, but still - a pain in the butt as on top of being injured, losing mobility and combat effectiveness (increased AP costs, which I hope soon will be shown when choosing firing mode), one has now to tend to every hit soldier so they won't kick the bucket before end of the battle, even if he will just sit peacefully away from it.

But yeah, apparently devteam isn't too fond of the idea.

Offline kurja

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Re: Soldiers should be able to self-heal
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2013, 09:45:02 am »
I  can't really understand how alien plasma weaponry can cause bleeding...

Consider that In ufo:ai there's only one sort of persisting consequence to injury, "bleeding wound"¹. The game is not making a distinction of whether your liver fell out, you have holes in your lungs or  you're going into shock due to third degree burns, it's all just "bleeding wounds". A bleeding wound might as well be called a fatal wound (I think it was called that in 1st xcom) or serious injury or something else, it's just a term for any hurt that will eventually kill you if untreated. It also makes sense to consider the number of bleeding wounds to be a presentation of how severe a wound is, rather than an actual number of injuries: say a bullet scratches your thigh tearing open an artery and realistically you should be dead really soon, in game terms that single bullet itself gave 23 damage + 5 fatal wounds so your remaining 19 health points will be gone in four rounds and you die if not treated before that.

Just my two player's cents =)

¹ - okay we also get different penalties for getting hit in the legs or arms for an example but you know what I mean here.