General > Announcements

New Issue Tracker for Bugs, Feature Requests and Patches


We are using new software to manage bugs, feature requests and patches. We've imported all the old tickets and soon will go public with the link. Any new tickets or modifications to existing tickets that you made on the Sourceforge tracker after 17:00 GMT on Monday, 28 January, will need to be remade in the new system.

User accounts have been imported, but we could not access authentication information. To reclaim control of the username attached to any tickets or comments you made, please send me a PM with your Sourceforge username (the short name) and the email address you would like to use on this account. I will send you back a temporary password.

I will post a link in this thread when we are live with the tracker.

Our new issue tracker is ready. You can submit a bug report, make a feature request or submit a patch by clicking the "Report an issue" link at the top of the page.

You do not need to be logged in to post a new issue. However, if you want to retain your account from the Sourceforge tracker, so that you can see tickets posted by or assigned to you, please PM me with your Sourceforge username and the email address you want associated with your account. I will send you temporary login details.

Our Sourceforge issue tracker is now depricated. You can not add any further items to it.

Quick policy change: you will need a user account to post a new issue. Sign up for a new one or reclaim a Sourceforge account if you had one in our old tracker (see previous post).

The tracker is not so new anymore ==> un-sticky.


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