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Author Topic: Bio file attched to soldier + medals for kills/stuns  (Read 1906 times)


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Bio file attched to soldier + medals for kills/stuns
« on: November 08, 2006, 10:49:21 am »
Well in voice acting (under sounds forum) we thought on idea of attching some Bio file and some "from where" tag to soldier....

It should contain some random info & medals+from where tag to make certain own languge swearings and struff for that

Well info it might contain:
Where is unit from (also used for what words should unit use in his languge [if ever inplanted]) <--randomly genertaed once u get the soldier

How old is unit <-- randomly generated

Sex: (debends of image)

Joined army: <-- randomly generated
Joined phalanx:
Educatiton: (how good student he is/was)
Stuns: (only stuns that are stunned in the end of mission [alien waking up won't mean stun, also shooting it to uncouncious doesn't mean stun either])

AND MEDALS, medals are given to unit for doing something, for exmaple killing total 10 (bronze) aliens 20 (silver)aliens 50 (gold medal) aliens ....
(diffrent looking) medal for 10 stuns 25 stuns 50 stuns

Should medals also add some stats to unit?

or should it give u some money bonus...
We don't want medals to be like in some games where without certain medals u can't win the game...