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Author Topic: Solar plant RMA map 2.0  (Read 34960 times)

Offline Latino210

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Solar plant RMA map 2.0
« on: November 12, 2012, 12:45:59 am »
I've added some nice effects, a new md2 model and a material file, now the map is more beautiful than ever! Is there any way to have it included in the next release? I am including some snapshot of the exterior and interior. Any fellow mechanic or factory electrician will recognize the typical configuration of the heating/vent motors.

Offline ShipIt

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Re: Solar plant RMA map 2.0
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2012, 11:31:54 am »
I added the map to the repo, so it is now available in Skirmish mode in the current developement version. I like the setting, and gimmicks like the animated screens are always nice. Good work. There are some issues that need to be fixed, though. In no particular order.

The motor model was not included in the .zip, so it is missing on the map right now.
In order to use the map in campaign, it needs to support all dropships.
The texture you added (I saw only one so far, not sure if thats all) needs to be moved into an appropriate folder and maybe it should get a more meaningfull name, too. And you need to verify it is properly licenced before we can add it.
Code: [Select]
ufo2map -check maps/solarplant/ returns some technical problems like:
Code: [Select]
---- ufo2map 1.2.5 ----
---- endianness initialization -----
found little endian system
path: 'maps/solarplant/sp_main'

---- filesystem initialization -----
Adding game dir: ./base
Added packfile ./base/0base.pk3 (15 files)
Added packfile ./base/0maps.pk3 (686 files)
Added packfile ./base/0media.pk3 (11 files)
Added packfile ./base/0music.pk3 (64 files)
Added packfile ./base/0pics.pk3 (1168 files)
Added packfile ./base/0shaders.pk3 (26 files)
Added packfile ./base/0snd.pk3 (356 files)
Added packfile ./base/0videos.pk3 (1 files)
Adding game dir: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\1\Anwendungsdaten\UFOAI/2.5-dev/base
using ./base for writing 'maps/solarplant/'
  ent:0 brush:30 - inside brush 1 (entity 0)
  ent:0 brush:22 - inside brush 29 (entity 0)
  ent:0 brush:4 - inside brush 120 (entity 0)
  ent:0 brush:0 - z-fighting with brush 120 (entity 0). overlap width: 1 units
  ent:0 brush:0 - z-fighting with brush 129 (entity 0). overlap width: 0.998 units
  ent:0 brush:1 - z-fighting with brush 30 (entity 0). overlap width: 4 units
  ent:0 brush:2 - z-fighting with brush 33 (entity 0). overlap width: 1 units
  ent:0 brush:2 - z-fighting with brush 34 (entity 0). overlap width: 1 units
  ent:0 brush:10 - z-fighting with brush 132 (entity 0). overlap width: 1 units
  ent:0 brush:19 - z-fighting with brush 118 (entity 0). overlap width: 1 units
  ent:0 brush:19 - z-fighting with brush 130 (entity 0). overlap width: 1 units
  ent:0 brush:20 - z-fighting with brush 119 (entity 0). overlap width: 1 units
  ent:0 brush:20 - z-fighting with brush 131 (entity 0). overlap width: 1 units
  ent:0 brush:22 - z-fighting with brush 29 (entity 0). overlap width: 8 units
  ent:0 brush:22 - z-fighting with brush 29 (entity 0). overlap width: 2 units
  ent:0 brush:22 - z-fighting with brush 29 (entity 0). overlap width: 2 units
  ent:0 brush:29 - z-fighting with brush 22 (entity 0). overlap width: 4 units
  ent:0 brush:29 - z-fighting with brush 22 (entity 0). overlap width: 1 units
  ent:0 brush:29 - z-fighting with brush 22 (entity 0). overlap width: 1 units
  ent:0 brush:30 - z-fighting with brush 1 (entity 0). overlap width: 4 units
  ent:0 brush:33 - z-fighting with brush 2 (entity 0). overlap width: 1 units
  ent:0 brush:34 - z-fighting with brush 2 (entity 0). overlap width: 1 units
  ent:0 brush:118 - z-fighting with brush 19 (entity 0). overlap width: 1 units
  ent:0 brush:119 - z-fighting with brush 20 (entity 0). overlap width: 1 units
  ent:0 brush:120 - z-fighting with brush 0 (entity 0). overlap width: 1 units
  ent:0 brush:120 - z-fighting with brush 128 (entity 0). overlap width: 3.75 units
  ent:0 brush:120 - z-fighting with brush 128 (entity 0). overlap width: 8.09 units
  ent:0 brush:120 - z-fighting with brush 128 (entity 0). overlap width: 5.42 units
  ent:0 brush:120 - z-fighting with brush 128 (entity 0). overlap width: 5 units
  ent:0 brush:128 - z-fighting with brush 120 (entity 0). overlap width: 3.36 units
  ent:0 brush:128 - z-fighting with brush 120 (entity 0). overlap width: 8.09 units
  ent:0 brush:128 - z-fighting with brush 120 (entity 0). overlap width: 5.5 units
  ent:0 brush:128 - z-fighting with brush 120 (entity 0). overlap width: 5 units
  ent:0 brush:129 - z-fighting with brush 0 (entity 0). overlap width: 0.995 units
  ent:0 brush:130 - z-fighting with brush 19 (entity 0). overlap width: 1 units
  ent:0 brush:131 - z-fighting with brush 20 (entity 0). overlap width: 1 units
  ent:0 brush:132 - z-fighting with brush 10 (entity 0). overlap width: 1 units
  ent:2 brush:-1 - Not defined in entities.ufo: origin in misc_message
This needs to be cleaned up for all tiles.

Offline ShipIt

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Re: Solar plant RMA map 2.0
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2012, 11:48:24 am »
Some more notes.

I think you should remove the doors to get rid of the weird lighting problem. It takes away much of the atmosphere from the map.
Adding some sounds will make the map even better.
On the floors I think it would be good to have some obstacles for the soldiers to hide behind.

Offline Latino210

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Re: Solar plant RMA map 2.0
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2012, 08:12:25 pm »
Thanks for the points, I will get to that. I've already removed all func_door, recompiled all the maps and the weird lighting problem is still there! I know it looks horrible, but I can find no way to remove it. Any help would be appreciated.

I am including the motor model. It must be put into the models/objects dir. It is a big motor, about 4 hp. It can be found almost anywhere in any factory setting.

Hell, I've only used the ufo2map -fix for the glitches, not the -check. I thought that the -fix would be enough. What's the problem with some ovelapping textures? They cannot even be seen by human eye! However, I will fix them ASAP.

The textures are free to use, included in the blender site. I will move them to the materials directory.

The obstacles idea is fine. Thanks.

Offline Sandro

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Re: Solar plant RMA map 2.0
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2012, 09:52:39 pm »
Thanks for the points, I will get to that. I've already removed all func_door, recompiled all the maps and the weird lighting problem is still there! I know it looks horrible, but I can find no way to remove it. Any help would be appreciated.

Universal solution is not found yet. Something in the lightmap rendering code creates broken lightmaps, and nobody found the exact failure point so far.

What's the problem with some ovelapping textures? They cannot even be seen by human eye!

It depends. 3D rendering hardware (GPU) typically cannot make a firm decision about what texture is in front (since both are at the same place), so result typically depends on FP rounding errors.

Usually, it looks like ripples moving when camera moves. Looks bad, very bad.

Offline ShipIt

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Re: Solar plant RMA map 2.0
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2012, 09:54:53 pm »
Thanks for the points, I will get to that. I've already removed all func_door, recompiled all the maps and the weird lighting problem is still there! I know it looks horrible, but I can find no way to remove it. Any help would be appreciated.

I will take a look at this.

Offline ShipIt

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Re: Solar plant RMA map 2.0
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2012, 10:10:41 am »
I made some adjustments to the Firebird dropship tile, fixing the technical problems. There are some more changes, so you might want to take a closer look.

Offline ShipIt

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Re: Solar plant RMA map 2.0
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2012, 11:04:44 am »
Some more notes.  ::)

In the text files, please use tabs instead of multiple whitespaces.
We prefer .png for the pictures and skins.
For the motor model texture, what is the source of the textures you used for the skin?
For the texture names, please use lower case letters and underlines, just like for the map tiles, to fit the naming conventions.
If you use textures from external sources in your map (or model skins), you need to verify they are properly licensed. We cannot add them to our repo if not. For textures, this usually means they have to be released under the GNU General Public License 2.0 or later (GPL2 or later) or the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA 3). We will not make compromises here. misses a clear statement about a licence. "The textures are royalty-free and can be used in both commercial and noncommercial projects." hits our requirements very hard imo, so it might be a good idea to just mail them and ask.

Offline Latino210

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Re: Solar plant RMA map 2.0
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2012, 01:45:11 pm »
All right, I've removed the textures from, I do not want to give any trouble.

I've added another model, a simple support with a ball bearing, found anywhere in factory setting. It must be unzipped in a models/objects/joint folder.

I've fixed the -check errors. I cannot see any difference in performance or in graphics, but I fixed them anyways.

Fixed the dropships, now they work.

For the motor texture, I've heavily modified some free textures. That texture is an original creation by me, now.

Fixed all the graphical glitches, now the map looks quite different. Thanks for the pointers, this is the sort of feedback I was looking for!
« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 01:59:48 pm by Latino210 »

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Re: Solar plant RMA map 2.0
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2012, 02:58:09 pm »
The textures from are missing in the .zip.

Offline Latino210

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Re: Solar plant RMA map 2.0
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2012, 04:04:26 pm »
Here there are.

Offline ShipIt

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Re: Solar plant RMA map 2.0
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2012, 01:49:25 pm »
I made an attempt fixing the lighting problem, with at least partially success.

Offline Latino210

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Re: Solar plant RMA map 2.0
« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2012, 02:45:05 pm »
This looks fine. May I know what procedure have you used? I wish to apply the modifications to the updated map.

Offline ShipIt

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Re: Solar plant RMA map 2.0
« Reply #13 on: November 16, 2012, 04:46:57 pm »
This looks fine. May I know what procedure have you used? I wish to apply the modifications to the updated map.

It would be best if you could just use the maps I attached above, because that is what we have in game atm.

Offline Latino210

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Re: Solar plant RMA map 2.0
« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2012, 06:42:01 pm »
Well, I'd like to know the procedure in case I want to fix another map with the same problem...
« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 06:51:31 pm by Latino210 »