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Author Topic: Base Improvements  (Read 18115 times)

Offline tembero

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Re: Base Improvements
« Reply #30 on: January 19, 2013, 03:33:08 pm »
    I have modded the base Management .pk3 file to set the base as I want from initial startup, I had played the original base defence battle many times and was interested in having a different setup, mostly to allow variety but also to allow some of the advantages of the different buildings to be recognized in the mostly frequently attacked base.

    I would be keen on a price multiplier on the structure costs depending on ground status. E.G. blue rock 1/2 price building, red rocks 1x price buildings, green rocks 2x price buildings, brown rocks 3x price buildings. Of course, to make this more logical the different areas of the world would have to have various setup costs according to location, e.g urban base very expensive and hard rocks, mountain base very cheap but hard rocks, silt base on flood plan - very expensive but no rocks. A hovering tooltip on the geoscape would give you a heads up of what to expect.

   These variables may also be of advantage to further projects also. Terror from the deep....

Offline geever

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Re: Base Improvements
« Reply #31 on: January 19, 2013, 05:03:46 pm »
Of course, to make this more logical the different areas of the world would have to have various setup costs according to location, e.g urban base very expensive....

=> overcomplicated.


Offline homunculus

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Re: Base Improvements
« Reply #32 on: January 20, 2013, 07:42:32 pm »
In fact the ability to choose the base location anywhere on the globe already harms this point which I don't like either. I'm thinking about a feature which offers you 2 random locations per nation to select your 1ST base. It would be more realistic. (Some of you will probably hate it.)
How many nations we have, 8? That's 16 possible position for the first base. And I would only restrict location of the first base. Other bases will need to be built up from nothing anyway. And if random location doesn't work we can set up a fixed list for possible first-base locations (which is reasonable either: Nations want you to cover most of their area, they can say "We give you one of these bases only").
Read again.

sorry, so it is just the first base.

i guess you have probably noticed this post.
the placement is somewhat high precision thing there, because some of the bases are at small islands.
also, there are islands like the marshall, and the ones west of panama where a base could be built, and there is a chance for further radar coverage optimization, using those locations.

those fixed island locations can be a pain already, luckily some of them fit the scheme.
so the point somewhat remains, but to a considerably lesser extent.

Offline krilain

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Re: Base Improvements
« Reply #33 on: January 21, 2013, 04:36:12 pm »
    What if there were those several ways to build the base intoducing some simple questions :

    • Does the nation where I want to build agree with that ?
    • As a related question, could an unpleased nation decide to stop further bases implementations on his territory?
    • Do I want to wait for an invitation from a given nation (maybe for a reducted cost)?
    • Do I want to put immediatly my base on the geosphere (as today, if you can pay the price as already implemented)?
    • Or do I want to prospect the ground before, implying a delay and/or an additional cost, in order to know if there will be a low or strong probability of rocks (I don't even say that we should turn this probability to 0)?

    All of this is questions that could in my opinion be introduced as simple additional tests in the current system by adding some checks of the game state.

    For instance at this moment when the player click the "build a new base" order, and try to push it on the map, there is already some checks:

    • Is the monney needed existing ?
    • Doesn't the player try to build in the oceans?

    For the nations there would be "only" to add the other checks :

    • Check the state of happiness at the position at which the player tries to build, and accept or reject the demand.

    For the prospection, it is a little more complicated but could also work with the same system tweaked around. For instance, when you prospect, the cpu generates the base but doesn't validate. After a given time it announces to the player that it could be more or less rocky there (in fact the computer would already know exactly how will be the base). If the player accepts, the base is generated :

    • Player : Choose "Build with Prospect"
    • CPU : takes the monney for prospect, and generate a base but don't build it - defines a event dates on when to give feedback to the player.
    • Player : accept ---> the base is built if the monney exists
    • Player : reject ---> no problem, the base is never built.

    Would all of that be in the style, some correct maneer to improve some of the aspects that have been discussed - like the rocks affair ?

ps : I join a scheme where shown this addition as a new interaction in the context of the already existing ones.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 07:29:09 pm by krilain »

Offline tembero

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Re: Base Improvements
« Reply #34 on: January 21, 2013, 07:44:11 pm »
Krillians idea rocks, and like he states it is probably only a stones throw from what is available presently, the proposition may not be set in granite, but it is better than wiping the slate. I agree with above, others such as my own above, have been like mixing chalk with... well metamorphic rocks.

Offline krilain

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Re: Base Improvements
« Reply #35 on: January 21, 2013, 08:11:01 pm »
Thank you. I translated your sentence, that's humorous when we know how much all of this has turned into an affair of rocks ;)

Anyway, that was not a true definite proposal. I wanted more to question about the fact to know if it would be or not one the way to look at things. This comes from the fact that a file from the code has been displayed where the interactions were more likely a question of tests.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 08:14:31 pm by krilain »

Offline tembero

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Re: Base Improvements
« Reply #36 on: January 21, 2013, 09:08:17 pm »
I have been playing similar games to this 1 for millions of years (slight exageration possibly) but I think sometimes intensive mind-numbing coding must seep through into intensive mind numbing gameplay, but extra dimensions are always pleasant in my experience.

Offline Noordung

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Re: Base Improvements
« Reply #37 on: January 22, 2013, 11:12:23 pm »
What if here and there nation offers you a base, not just free first base.
And those rocks... maybe building on those rock would be more expensice end would take more time.

Would it be possible to upgrade command centre for more/better instalations? Like hangars or marine base for searching ufos lost on sea?