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Author Topic: Review & Suggestions  (Read 9995 times)

Offline Duke

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Re: Review & Suggestions
« Reply #15 on: July 11, 2012, 12:35:03 am »
Q - Does that include TU's the alien needs for shooting? In other words, if an alien moves 5 TU's within my sight, than tries to shoot me for 7 TU's, am I right to expect that my flame thrower will dish out its 8 TU's worth of reaction (bon)fire 8), while the alien would still need a further 4 TU's to try and figure out how to fire his gun? :-\


Offline Duke

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Re: Review & Suggestions
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2012, 12:41:52 am »
Thanks for the explanation.  Intuitively that's exactly how I expect it to work, but maybe 2.4 is doing something different.  After I finish this game I plan to get 2.5-dev, but I have no idea how much longer it will take.
2.5 RF code was already in 2.4 release.
There is still one problem left: if the alien manages to *walk by* your soldier (ie. in and out of the frustum), the soldier will NOT turn and shoot at the alien's back.
That's on my list.

Offline Ufanatic

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Re: Review & Suggestions
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2013, 08:14:49 pm »

Button to rearrange staff in employee-, Aircraft- + equipment-screens.

Hello guys.

This has probably been requested before.
I am really missing a button or functionality to "drag and drop" soldiers in my employee-, aircraft-, and equipment-screen.
I guess it really depends on how much order you need, but I train my crews according to general experience and weapon-classes. It would be nice, if one could arrange the order of ones soldiers e.g. from veteran to rookie or group them according to their weapons of choice: all snipers on top, then the heavies, then ...
Right now, it gets especially messy when you get like 40 new recruits every month and have to scroll down three pages just to get to that one guy who made the team ... I have actually started firing everbody but the ones I decided to train, so the soldiers I actually use are all on top of the list.  ;)

« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 08:17:33 pm by Ufanatic »