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Author Topic: [ABANDONED] NeoTweaks  (Read 24017 times)

Offline Neonin

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« on: June 25, 2012, 01:12:59 am »
This mod became incompatible with the game and has been discontinued. Unfortunately I do not have the time to work on a new version, but many thanks to those who tried out the original mod and left suggestions!
« Last Edit: February 16, 2013, 01:35:27 pm by Neonin »

Offline H-Hour

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Re: Neo's Tweaks
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2012, 10:21:03 am »
Hi Neonin, this is cool. I'm glad you're distributing it. You may not know this, but we actually have an infrastructure for loading mods with the game, so that you don't have to overwrite the original files. (This is only supported in 2.5-dev.)

If you put your directory into /ufoai/mods/, you can then bring down the console (` or ESC) in game and type ui_push mods. You can then choose to load your mod.

Your personal folder in /mods/ should mirror the /base/ folder. So if you put your mod in a folder called /neonin_graphics/, it should look like this:


Basically, the only thing you'd need to change is to tell users to unzip your folder into /ufoai/mods/neonin_graphics/. If you do this, I'll create a sticky in this forum with user mods and link yours in it.

Offline Neonin

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Re: Neo's Tweaks
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2012, 10:37:33 am »
Thanks H-Hour! I've updated the original post to add instructions for 2.5 Dev. I'll keep following the games progress (obviously, since I like playing it!) and when 2.5 becomes the stable version I'll edit out the instructions for 2.4 :)

I've also added in the Pilot, Worker, and Scientist ranks to the original post as I forgot those last night.

Offline Neonin

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Re: Neo's Tweaks
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2012, 12:08:28 pm »
I've added a few simple mods to change the ranks and insignia to a few of the more recognisable national armies, for those who like that sort of thing. Personally I enjoy being a multinational organisation, but I know some people like the familiar insignia :)

The army insignia mods are only supported by 2.5 Dev, as creating two different lots of zip files to support 2.4 when it will be replaced at some point seemed like wasted effort. I can still supply versions that work with 2.4 if you message me but will not be "publically" supporting that version.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 09:28:53 pm by Neonin »

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Re: Neo's Tweaks
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2012, 09:28:13 pm »
Coming up in NeoTweaks V2.0:
  • New simple loading screen, replacing the V1.0 one.
  • "Stealth" aircraft, darkened skins ala current Spec Ops helicopters etc.
  • Lowered brightness of nation overlay to non-eye-destroying levels.
  • Re-designed starting base to be slightly more defensible.
  • Complete weapon stat overhaul.
  • Modified weapon skills.
  • Reworked research tree.
NOTE: NeoTweaks is basically a modified version of the game to my own personal preferences, you may not like some of the changes made so use at your own discretion! :)
« Last Edit: July 05, 2012, 11:59:16 pm by Neonin »

Offline Neonin

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Re: NeoTweaks [V1.0 Current]
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2012, 07:32:35 pm »
A couple of sneak peeks at V2.0:

Tweaking the tech tree the hardcore way... on the living room floor!

A new addition, the Firebird MkII Dropship:

« Last Edit: July 05, 2012, 11:59:22 pm by Neonin »

Offline Crystan

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Re: NeoTweaks [V1.0 Current]
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2012, 09:14:06 pm »
Your new Firebird skin looks like my suggestion ^^:,6701.0.html

Offline Neonin

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Re: NeoTweaks [V1.0 Current]
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2012, 12:24:02 am »
Bloody hell, you're right... I did see that topic a while back but it totally slipped my mind. I went with the blue because I used a similar colour for one of the spears in my PHALANX logo, but it is almost identical to the one you used! Great minds think alike :)

Also, one last sneak peek for today:

« Last Edit: July 05, 2012, 12:39:24 am by Neonin »

Offline Neonin

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Re: NeoTweaks [V1.0 Current]
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2012, 11:59:03 pm »

With that out the way, if you're still interested...

NeoTweaks V2.0 Tech Tree

You can view the full version by clicking this...

Offline H-Hour

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Re: NeoTweaks [V1.0 Current]
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2012, 10:37:13 am »
Cool. Glad to see someone taking advantage of all the modding capabilities in this game.

Offline Neonin

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Re: NeoTweaks [V1.0 Current]
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2012, 11:24:09 am »
Well, I can't model, I can't really draw, and my coding knowledge is limited to very basic C and C++ from fiddling around with MUDs in my youth, but tweaking scripts is definitely something I can do!
« Last Edit: July 06, 2012, 11:27:21 am by Neonin »

Offline Neonin

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Re: NeoTweaks [V1.0 Current]
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2012, 10:12:11 pm »
V2.0 is nearly ready for release. Just need to finish editing a couple of things and writing up the version notes (that's the bit taking all the time now, fully documenting all the changes!) and then I'll stick it up for download. Hopefully should be by the end of tomorrow! :D

Offline Neonin

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Re: NeoTweaks [V2.0 Current]
« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2012, 03:53:07 pm »
Finally, after a couple of weeks pouring hours and hours into tweaking and modding the game, I can present Version 2.0 of the NeoTweaks mod! If you choose to test it please let me know if you find any bugs or problems so I can fix them for everyone, and I hope you enjoy playing as much as I do with it!

Below you fill find some descriptions for new additions to the game that don't have corresponding UFOpaedia entries yet due to a current limitation on editing text in a mod.

New Item/Tech Brief Descriptions
  • Advanced Terran Materials
    • Requires: Alien Materials
    • Brief Description: With our knowledge of how the aliens construct their materials (and they have some truly incredible ideas regarding alloys and bonding) we think we can create a new set of materials using these techniques based entirely on ones we can find here on Earth that will be both stronger and lighter than their predecessors. This will enable us to modify and improve our existing equipment.
  • Plasma Physics
    • Requires: Plasma pistol recovered from battlefield
    • Brief Description: It appears the aliens use some sort of plasma-based weaponry. We should investigate this and determine how plasma may be used in such a capacity immediately to enable us to properly study the alien weapons recovered.
  • Particle Physics
      Requires: Plasma Cannon, Particle Beam Pistol recovered from battlefield
    • Brief Description: The aliens have brought out some heavier weaponry that is devastating on the battlefield and seems to be based on particle physics of the type used in the large particle accelerators of the early 21st century. We should take another look at the physics involved to allow us to study this new type of alien weapon properly.
  • Advanced Wave Optimizations
    • Requires: Aerial Laser Cannon
    • Brief Description: As our knowledge of laser weaponry has increased since our first pistol prototype, we feel we can now look at ways to further enhance the laser beam into higher frequencies in the hope of creating a new class of laser weapon.
  • Firebird Mk II Dropship
    • Requires: Advanced Terran Materials
    • Brief Description: We now have new materials for use in construction and should examine whether we can improve on the original Firebird craft by using these materials.
  • Saracen Mk II Interceptor
    • Requires: Advanced Terran Materials
    • Brief Description: With the advent of new, lighter materials thanks to the study of how the aliens construct things, we feel we can look at improving the basic design of the Saracen Interceptor to increase its abilities.
  • TITAN Rotary Electrocannon
    • Requires: Electromagentic Rifle
    • Brief Description: After carefully examining the Electromagnetic Rifle we feel it should now be possible to scale up this weapon for our aircraft using a modified SHIVA design, enhancing the range and damage of the original to very useful levels.
  • Plasma Cannon
    • Requires: Plasma Cannon recovered from alien UFO, Plasma Blaster
    • Brief Description: Our knowledge of the aliens plasma weaponry has developed to a point where we feel confident enough in our abilities to try disassembling one of their aircraft plasma cannons. Once we learn how they work we can hopefully fit them onto our aircraft and use the aliens own weapons against them.
  • Sparrowhawk Plasma Missile
    • Requires: Plasma Grenade, Advanced Terran Materials
    • Brief Description: Since we now understand how the aliens use plasma to create such devastating weapons, we feel with our new advanced materials we can construct a plasma-based missile that will fit on our standard Sparrowhawk racks, greatly increasing their power and usefulness.
  • TR-20 Plasma Rocket
    • Requires: Plasma Grenade, Advanced Terran Materials
    • Brief Description: By combining our advanced materials and the aliens methods of creating plasma weaponry, we would like to enhance the standard TR-20 rocket to make it far more deadly in combat.
  • Plasma Explosives
    • Requires: Plasma Grenade, Advanced Terran Materials
    • Brief Description: After witnessing the destructive power of plasma grenades on the battlefield, we think we have sufficient knowledge of their construction to improve the projectiles of both the rocket launcher and the grenade launcher.
  • Xaser Pistol
    • Requires: Advanced Wave Optimizations
    • Brief Description: Our research has paid dividends and we can now begin construction of the first Xaser prototype, which should offer us better range and even more accuracy than our basic laser weapons.
  • Xaser Rifle
    • Requires: Xaser Pistol
    • Brief Description: Now that we have a new class of weapon we should work to scale it up and provide our soldiers with even more firepower on the battlefield, so we would like to look at improving the basic Xaser design into a rifle.
  • Heavy Xaser
    • Requires: Xaser Rifle
    • Brief Description: As the aliens continue to field more powerful weapons and sheath themselves in advanced armours, we have a proposal to improve the Xaser weapon design even further with a truly impressive weapon of great power and range that should enable us to at least keep a level playing field against the invaders.
  • Aerial Xaser Cannon
    • Requires: Heavy Xaser
    • Brief Description: We now feel we have enough knowledge and experience creating Xaser weapons to scale up to a model designed for our aircraft, which should allow them unparalleled range and firepower compared to the early weapon we equipped them with.
Notes on Weaponry
Laser Weapons
Lasers are very accurate and have a greater range than standard projectile weapons, along with a decent ammo capacity meaning more time between reloads. However, they don't generally cause as much damage as projectile weapons and due to their construction are unsuited for bashing enemies in melee combat.

Plasma Weapons
An alien technology we cannot reproduce in the workshop, plasma weaponry is generally more accurate and does much greater damage than our projectile weapons. They are also more study in their construction and can be used to bash enemies in close combat. However, they lack the range and accuracy of laser weapons and their ammo capacity is rather lower.

Note on plasma explosives: These weapons are dangerous. Plasma explosions are much more deadly than their standard counterparts, especially our newly-developed rocket for the rocket launcher which should only be utilized in environments where destruction of property and civilian casualties are not an issue!

Xaser Weapons
A marked improvement on laser weapons, xasers use a higher frequency beam that pushes into the ultraviolet range for more damage, and a series of enhanced mirrors and focusing devices deliver greater range and accuracy than before. The power requirements of these weapons means their ammo capacity is lower than that of laser weapons, and their somewhat delicate construction means they can't be used to bash enemies.

Particle Beam Weapons
Devastating weapons of alien design, particle beam weapons have better range than plasma weapons due to the sheer power of their beam, which is capable of cutting through a layer of material like brick or sheet metal. Their damage potential is higher too, but their accuracy suffers as they are unwieldy weapons and difficult to keep under control. They do have an improved ammo capacity compared to plasma weapons, but they are unsuitable for bashing enemies because of the intricate and delicate parts used to create and focus the beam.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2012, 08:47:03 pm by Neonin »

Offline Neonin

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Re: NeoTweaks [V2.0 Current]
« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2012, 04:56:52 pm »
There was a slight error in the initial upload of the mod that caused games to black-screen after clicking the Campaign button. This has now been fixed and the correct upload is now in place, so if you downloaded it before this message was posted please replace it with the new one! The link is the same.

Offline geever

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Re: NeoTweaks [V2.0 Current]
« Reply #14 on: July 08, 2012, 08:13:52 pm »
There was a slight error in the initial upload of the mod that caused games to black-screen after clicking the Campaign button. This has now been fixed and the correct upload is now in place, so if you downloaded it before this message was posted please replace it with the new one! The link is the same.

May I suggest sharing MD5 "checksum" of the package, so players can check if their download is corrupted?
